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Join Our Official PagesRCC Designs Reinforced Concrete Structures. By Dr B C Punmia, Ashok.Limit prueba de sobrecarga oral de glucosa pdf State Design Of Reinforced Concrete has 39 ratings and 2 reviews. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain, Arun Kumar Jain. Limit State Design Of.U13CEP601 Computer Aided Design and Drawing RCC. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain, Ashok Kr. 8.0- Reinforced Concrete Structures - 1 8.0 Reinforced Concrete Structures. Typically, any reinforced concrete structure visible to the travelling public and in an urban or suburban area will receive some type of aesthetic finish. Steel creates a very useful tool to design engineers. The design engineers specify dimensions, cover. Manual for Design and Detailing of Reinforced Concrete to September 2013 the Code of Practice for Structural Use of Concrete 2013 Contents 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Some highlighted aspects in Basis of Design 3.0 Beams 4.0 Slabs 5.0 Columns 6.0 Beam-Column Joints 7.0 Walls 8.0 Corbels 9.0 Cantilevers 10.0 Transfer Structures 11.0 Footings.
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Download Design Of Reinforced Concrete Structures By M. L. Gambhir – Designed primarily as a text for the undergraduate students of civil engineering, this compact and well-organized text presents all the basic topics of reinforced concrete design in a comprehensive manner. The text conforms to the limit states design method as given in the latest revision of Indian Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete, IS: 456 (2000).
This book covers the applications of design concepts and provides a wealth of state-of-the-art information on design aspects of wide variety of reinforced concrete structures. However, the emphasis is on modern design approach. The text attempts to:
• Present simple, efficient and systematic procedures for evolving design of concrete structures.
• Make available a large amount of field tested practical data in the appendices.
• Provide time saving analysis and design aids in the form of tables and charts.
• Cover a large number of worked-out practical design examples and problems in each chapter.
• Emphasize on development of structural sense needed for proper detailing of steel for integrated action in various parts of the structure.
Besides students, practicing engineers and architects would find this text extremely useful.

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About Author
M.L. GAMBHIR, Ph.D. (Structural Engineering), has been Professor and Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, and also Dean, Planning and Resource Generation, at the Thapar University, Patiala. He obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the University of Roorkee (now IIT Roorkee), and his Ph.D. from the Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada. He has over four decades of wide and varied experience of teaching and research in various capacities. He is also the author of several books including Fundamentals of Reinforced Concrete Design (2006) and Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures (2008), both published by PHI Learning, New Delhi.
Book Details
- Publisher: PHI
- Language: English
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