MSAGL is a .NET library and tool for graph layout and viewing.
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MSAGL was developed in Microsoft by Lev Nachmanson, Sergey Pupyrev, Tim Dwyer, Ted Hart, and Roman Prutkin.
Getting Started
The simplest way to start with MSAGL in C# is to open GraphLayout.sln in Visual Studio, and and look at the Samples folder.
MSAGL Modules
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The Core Layout engine (Microsoft.MSAGL.dll) - NuGet packageThis .NET asssembly contains the core layout functionality. Use this library if you just want MSAGL to perform the layout only and afterwards you will use a separate tool to perform the rendering and visalization.
The Drawing module (Microsoft.MSAGL.Drawing.dll) - NuGet packageThe Definitions of different drawing attributes like colors, line styles, etc. It also contains definitions of a node class, an edge class, and a graph class. By using these classes a user can create a graph object and use it later for layout, and rendering.
A Viewer control (Microsoft.MSAGL.GraphViewerGDIGraph.dll) - NuGet packageThe viewer control lets you visualize graphs and has and some other rendering functionality. Key features: (1) Pan and Zoom (2) Navigate Forward and Backward (3) tooltips and highlighting on graph entities (4) Search for and focus on graph entities.
The code snippets demonstrate the basic usage of the viewer. It uses the C# language.
The Viewer sample
Drawing of the graph from the sampleDrawing of the graph from the sample
GraphMaps lets you view very large graphs like oneline maps - as you zoom in more detail is revealed. Watch a video that shows how GraphMaps works, and here is the video of the previous version.
Using GraphMaps
- open Lg.sln and build the solution,
- run TestGraphMaps.
- The configuration Release/x64 needs to be used to load a large graph.
- The graph from the video can be found in GraphLayout/graphs/ Please load composers.msagl to avoid the preprocessing step.
- If is loaded then composers.msagl and the tiles directory composers.msagl_tiles will beregenerated.
Learn More
The ideas, design, and the mathematics of GraphMaps are described in this paper.
WebMSAGL is a version of MSAGL that was transcompiled to JavaScript with SharpKit, plus a TypeScript wrapper and rendering/interaction layer that provides a friendly TypeScript API. You can create a graph either programmatically or from a JSON object, have MSAGL create a layout for it, and then render it to an HTML Canvas or to an SVG block. All layout operations are run in a web worker, ensuring that your application remains responsive while computation is taking place. Limited interactivity is also supported.
Using WebMSAGL
- open WebMsagl.sln and build the solution,
- set index.html from any of the sample folders as the starting page,
- run WebMsagl.
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.
To simplify the problem, I have a graph that contains nodes and edges which are on a 2D plane.
What I want to be able to do is click a button and it make the automatically layout the graph to look clean. By that I mean minimal crossing of edges, nice space between nodes, maybe even represent the graph scale (weighted edges).
I know this is completely subjective of what is a clean looking graph, but does anyone know of an algorithm to start with, rather than reinventing the wheel?
osgx5 Answers
Microsoft Automatic Graph Layout
I would suggest that you take a look at at graphviz. The dot
program can take a specification of a graph and generate an image of the network for you somewhat 'cleanly'. The 'theory' link on that page gives you some links that might be relevant if you're interested in the theoretical background.
You will find and this tutorial, by Roberto Tamassia, professor at Brown University, quite helpful.
I like a lot Force-Directed Techniques (pp. 66-72 in the tutorial) like the Spring Embedder.
You assume there is a spring or other force between any two adjacent nodes and let nature (simulation) do the work :)
AidenhjjMicrosoft Automatic Graph Layout
ypercubeᵀᴹypercubeᵀᴹAlso JGraph if you want the layouts in Java (I work on the project).
DavidDavidI would say as Noufal Ibrahim, but you could also look more precisely at the C API of the graphviz project. It includes a lib to build your graph (libgraph.pdf) with all the nodes and edges, and a lib to layout the graph (libgvc.pdf) (just compute each nodes position), so you can then display it in your own UI for example.
A good visual guide how the most popular layouts actually look: follow the link