- The Return Of Living Dead 1985
- The Return Of The Living Dead 1985
- Return Of The Living Dead 2 Free
- The Return Of Living Dead Watch Online
A group of well-meaning teens comes face to face with a hunger-dumb Tarman and a horde of acid rain zombies after a toxic gas leak reanimates the dead at a medical supply warehouse. This punk rock, horror-comedy spinoff of The Night of the Living Dead features the first instance of brain-eating zombies. Return of the Living Dead Part II (1988) The horror begins as mysterious barrels bounce off an army transport and land near a new housing development and an abandoned cemetary. Living dead return of the living night of the living dan obannon james karen linnea quigley george romero medical supply blu ray clu gulager zombie movie thom mathews zombie movies punk rock best zombie back to life special effects send more cops ever made zombie flick. Showing 1-8 of 674 reviews. In the midst of all this ripping off of Romero's 'Night of the Living Dead', it borders on worship of its inspiration. Pathos holds hands with hilarity, genuinely creepy scenes bleed into high gear humor.
The Return Of Living Dead 1985
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- Return of the Living Dead is a zombie film series of five films beginning with the 1985 film The Return of the Living Dead. The series came about as a dispute between John A. Russo and George A. Romero over how to handle sequels to their 1968 film.
- Return of the Living Dead 3; 0. Rating (0) Loading. Return of the Living Dead 3. Colonel Reynolds and his group of government scientists continue their work on re-animating the dead for military use. His son Curt uses a stolen security pass to sneak in with his thrill-seeking girlfriend Julie, with shocking, deadly results!
Return of the Living Dead is a series of zombie films, starting with a 1985 film. The original was a horror-comedy, but later films have varied tonally.
Watch Return of the Living Dead Part 2 123movieshub: A group of kids discover one of the drums containing a rotting corpse and release the 2-4-5 Trioxin gas into the air, causing the dead to once again rise from the grave and seek out brains.
The films are, in order:
- The Return of the Living Dead (1985)
- Return of the Living Dead Part II (1988)
- Return of the Living Dead 3 (1993)
- Return of the Living Dead: Necropolis (2005)
- Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Grave (2005)
The Return Of The Living Dead 1985
This movie series contains the following:
Return Of The Living Dead 2 Free
- Ashes to Crashes: It's a bad idea to Burn the Undead, as more zombies come to life that way.
- Berserk Board Barricade: The heroes do this in various locations. For the most part it works just fine, with only one failure shown to occur.
- Black Comedy: The first and second films, in particular.
- Brain Food: Ur-Example in regards to zombies. Here, the zombies eat brains because they give off endorphins that kill the pain of decomposition and rigor mortis.
- Body Horror: The zombies in general are largely mutilated and heavily decayed, especially the page picture, Tarman, who is seen transforming from a relatively intact looking corpse into, well... Tarman.
- Darker and Edgier: The third film drops the comedy completely in favor of a more serious plot revolving around a teen trying to revive his recently deceased girlfriend using the trioxin. The fourth and fifth films are also pretty dark and serious in their own way but to a lesser extent.
- The Dead Have Eyes: Even the most decayed zombies have functioning eyeballs.
- Dem Bones: A couple zombies, including Tarman. One shot of what is blatantly a skeleton with eyes rising is used the first and last times a contaminated cemetery gives up its dead in the first film.
- Denser and Wackier: The second film leans far more towards comedy than the first film, which was more of an equal blend of horror and comedy.
- Everything's Deader with Zombies: Present and accounted for, a lot.
- Fiction as Cover-Up: The original Night of the Living Dead was meant as a cover-up of a zombie outbreak.
- Government Conspiracy: Trioxin, the zombie-creating chemical, was originally developed by the U.S. government, and is only released once again through their carelessness by subcontracting its storage to people who don't know how to handle it. In the third movie, the military is still conducting trioxin experiments on fresh corpses.
- It Can Think: The Return zombies show clear signs of intelligence, like puzzle-solving (Tarman rigs a chain winch to tear open the doors of a closet a potential meal is hiding in), speech (they know more words than just 'Brains', but this one seems to be their favorite), stealth (when the paramedics and police arrived at the mortuarium, the zombies usually hid before charging at them), the ability to deceive others (they use the radioes in the ambulance and police car to lure more paramedics and police officers into a trap) and awareness of their condition (leading to a couple Tear Jerker moments with infected heroes), traits not found in their shambling, mindless cousins from other zombie franchises.'Send. More. Paramedics.'
- Made of Plasticine:
- The zombies (the Tarman especially). Justified, since they're... well, dead.
- In a slightly less justifiable manner, the zombies are able to bite into their victims' skulls as if they were biting into apples.
- Mood Whiplash: The first and second movies are horror-comedies. The third movie completely drops the comedy in favor of being squicky and sad. The fourth and fifth movies return to the horror-comedy routes, while adding in some mild seriousness and sci-fi elements.
- Our Zombies Are Different: Crossed between Artificial Zombies and Flesh-Eating Zombies.
- As seen in the workprint of the first film, zombie bites can be non-fatal depending on where they're inflicted; a peck on the nose doesn't seem to affect Burt, though he still freaks out over it.
- It really wasn't until the third film that zombie bites had an effect on their victims. Trash reanimates in the first film, but that's only because her corpse was left sitting out in the Trioxin polluted rain.
- Starting with the fourth film, the zombies could now be killed through the old fashion way.
- Revenge of the Sequel: Return was this to Night of the Living Dead, despite not being a true sequel to any of Romero's flicks.
- Running Gag: 'Send more...' This was only featured in the first two films, however.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: The canisters of Trioxin that also contain corpses.
- Sliding Scale of Comedy and Horror: The series features a rather perfect blend of both comedy and horror.
- Thematic Series: The series is loosely connected as well as being a loose Spin-Off of Night Of The Living Dead.
- Tragic Villain: Zombies are already roundly this by default, being mutated into ravenous shambling monsters against their will, but Return reveals the extent of their suffering: they're not mindless, they're in agony, and that's what drives their Horror Hunger:Zombie: The pain...the pain of being dead![...]I can feel myself rot makes the pain...go away...
- When It Rains, It Pours: Whenever trioxin gas or zombie ash gets into the atmosphere, it immediately starts pouring down raining. It's a rule.
- The X of Y: The Return of the Living Dead.
- Zombie Apocalypse: Zigzagged Trope. The first movie implies that the zombie hordes are unstoppable once released and will necessarily bring about the end of civilization, but in each of the sequels the situation appears to be under control until another canister of trioxin gets in the wrong hands.
- Zombie Gait:
- Averted, the zombies here can run. Although this is played straight with the third and fourth films.
- Tarman has a very pronounced Zombie Gait, though in his case its likely a result of the fact that he is so decomposed he can barely support himself.
- Zombie Infectee: Several people keep their wits about them once infected. They even find ways to stave off the desire to eat flesh well into the transformation phase, so as to not be a danger to friends and loved ones. This, unfortunately, makes them rather attractive to the government.
- Zombify the Living: Trioxin can slowly transform someone into a zombie while they're still alive.