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- Biiab Licensing Practitioners Course Catalog 2016
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- Practitioners Course
- Barnaby Foster
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Course Description – BIIAB Award for Personal Licence Holders Course. The BIIAB Level 2 Award for Personal License Holders is the prescribed qualification required by anyone wishing to apply to their local authority for a Personal Licence to sell alcohol. I do occasionally offer free courses from time to time. However, I also run a company called Applied Network Defense where we produce high-quality information security practitioner-focused training. If you like our free stuff like this course, you’ll really love our paid products. You can view the complete course catalog at http. BIIAB the Awarding Organisation and End-Point Assessment Organisation for Work Based Learning Providers, Colleges and Employers. Skip to main content. Find a Centre and Book a Course near you. Click here to search for a Training Centre and to book a Course near you. Award for Licensing Practitioners (Licensing Act 2003) course 84 Friar Lane Nottingham Nottinghamshire. Each delegate will be provided with a handbook published by the BIIAB to support the qualification. The course will begin at 9.30am and conclude with a 45 minute multiple choice examination at approximately 4.00pm. [67375] zPbHAVRpmOsNx 投稿者:slutty nurse 投稿日:2008/09/11(Thu) 14:50 comment4, japanese.
1 Standards for the Operation, Management and Administration Of Early Childhood Institutions
2 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 6 Standard 1 Staffing Personal Suitability of early childhood practitioners Professional Qualification Other Specific Training Requirements Minimum Staffing Levels, Practitioner-child Ratios, and Group Size Opportunities for Professional Development 27 Standard 2 Developmental/Educational Programmes Developmental/Educational Programme Planning Developmental/Educational Programme Structure Developmental/Educational Programme Content A Language Development 2.3B Physical Development (gross and fine motor) 2.3C Cognitive and Reasoning Development 2.3D Creative Development 2.3E Socio-Emotional Development 2.3F Academic Readiness Development (Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science) Spiritual Development and National Identity (Applicable to institutions with children 3-5 years only) 2.4 Learning Resources A Access to Learning Resources (all institutions) 2.4B Access to Learning Resources for Academic Readiness Development (Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science) Spiritual Development and National Identity (Applicable to institutions with children 3-5 years only) 2.5 Programmes for Personal Care Activities Developmental Monitoring of Children s Progress 67 Standard 3 Interactions and Relationships with Children Promoting Positive Behaviours Behaviour Management and Discipline Early Childhood Commission 2
3 Standard 4 Physical Environment Suitability, Zoning and Location of the Building and Premises Physical Layout of the Building and Premises Structure of the Premises Infrastructure and Basic Services 104 Standard 5 Indoor and Outdoor Equipment, Furnishing and Supplies Indoor Equipment, Furnishing and Supplies A Instruction and Play Area 5.1B Personal Care Areas (Sleeping, Toileting and Kitchen) 5.2 Outdoor Equipment, Furnishing and Supplies 119 Standard 6 Health Health Promotion and Preventive Health Measures Institutional and Personal Hygiene Practices Cleaning and Sanitation Schedules Management of Infectious (Communicable) Diseases, Other Illnesses and Injury 149 Standard 7 Nutrition Meals A Children Under One Year (Infants) B Children One to Six Years 163 Standard 8 Safety Indoor Safety Outdoor Safety Fire Safety Transportation and Excursion Safety Early Childhood Commission 3
4 Standard 9 Child Rights, Child Protection and Equality Child Rights Child Protection Equality Standard 10 Interactions with Parents and Community Members Interaction with Parents Interactions with Community 203 Standard 11 Administration Management Plans, Policies and Procedures Registration, Documentation and Records Facilitation of Inspection Process 229 Standard 12 Finance Finance Early Childhood Commission 4
5 APPENDICES APPENDIX 1 Summary of Registration and Inspection Processes 237 APPENDIX 2 Classification of Early Childhood Practitioners 240 APPENDIX 3 Lists of Common Childhood Illnesses 243 APPENDIX 4 Examples of Weekly Programme Plans 247 APPENDIX 5 Appropriate Methods of Restraining Children 258 APPENDIX 6 Examples of Small Equipment to Meet Food Preparation Requirement 262 APPENDIX 7 Public Health - Immunization Act 266 APPENDIX 8 Diaper Change Procedures 273 APPENDIX 9 Proper Hand Washing Techniques 275 APPENDIX 10 Appropriate Mixtures for Cleaning Solutions 277 APPENDIX 11 Nutritional Daily Requirements 280 APPENDIX 12 Basic Protocols for Gastroenteritis 282 APPENDIX 13 Role & Functions of Prescribed Persons Early Childhood Commission 5
6 INTRODUCTION THE IMPORTANCE OF STRENGTHENING EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT Early childhood describes the period in a child s life between birth and eight years of age. It is the most rapid period of development in human life and a child s experience during this period has an enormous impact on the health, cognitive development, educational attainment, socialisation and productivity of older children and adults. International research has demonstrated that the quality of a child s early childhood experience makes a significant difference to school preparation and participation, completion and achievement and to the reduction in costs to society of remedial and rehabilitative actions in later childhood and adulthood. A longitudinal research study in Jamaica of a national representative sample of children entering primary school at age six years in 1999 and followed up in 2000 and 2003 (the Profiles Project) identified a number of factors affecting child well being, with a number of these affecting all or almost all child outcomes of learning and behaviour. These include; Socio-economic status Parental education Parental stress Reading books Early childhood learning environment The study s findings also demonstrated clearly that efforts to improve child outcomes must be comprehensive. Furthermore, interventions need to occur prior to primary school entry, as the negative impact of the identified factors on child development outcomes worsens with time. Both the international and Jamaican research has demonstrated what can make the difference for children s positive development in early childhood Early Childhood Commission 6
7 THE EARLY CHILDHOOD COMMISSION The Early Childhood Commission was established by an Act of Parliament, the Early Childhood Commission Act, in The Commission has the responsibility to ensure the integrated and coordinated delivery of early childhood programmes and services. The Commission, through its varying activities, will guide the holistic development of children, including physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. These activities will require collaboration among the authorities in health, education and child development services; parents; the public and private sector; NGO s and international development partners. The Commission will use lessons from research and experience to develop strategies to reach all children, but particularly the youngest and most vulnerable children in the country. The Early Childhood Commission has eight legislated functions, as described in The Early Childhood Commission Act (2003), one of which indicates direct responsibility for early childhood institutions: (a) advise the Minister on policy matters relating to early childhood care, education and development in Jamaica, including initiatives and actions to achieve national early childhood development goals; (b) assist in the preparation of plans and programmes concerning early childhood development; (c) monitor and evaluate the implementation of the plans and programmes referred to in paragraph (b) and, in respect thereof, make to the Minister such recommendations as it thinks fit; (d) act as coordinating agency to ensure effective streamlining of all activities relating to early childhood development; (e) convene consultations with relevant stakeholders as appropriate; (f) analyse needs and submit recommendations for budgetary allocations for early childhood development; (g) identify alternative financing through negotiation with donor agencies and liaise with such agencies to ensure effective and efficient use of donor funds; (h) supervise and regulate early childhood institutions; In order to successfully achieve the above mandate the Commission (i) Conduct Research in ECD. LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD INSTITUTIONS The legal framework applies to all early childhood institutions providing services to more than four children up to six years of age for at least six hours per day and at least four days per week; for a fee, whether privately owned or public; whether a day-care institution, a preschool, basic school, infant school or infant department. The framework is comprised of three documents: the Early Childhood Act (2005), 2007 Early Childhood Commission 7
8 the Early Childhood Regulations (2005) and the Standards for the Operation, Management and Administration of Early Childhood Institutions. THE EARLY CHILDHOOD ACT 2005 The Early Childhood Act requires operators of Early Childhood Institutions to apply for registration with the Early Childhood Commission and to facilitate the process of inspection (the registration and inspection processes are summarised in Appendix 1). The Act also requires that operators comply with specific personnel, physical, health and safety and other requirements to ensure that institutions offer a safe and stimulating environments in which children can play and learn. Failure to comply with the requirements of the Act carries significant legal consequences. The Act makes provisions for the Minister to make regulations (Section 23 (2) (b), including the provision of standards for the efficient operation of early childhood institutions. THE EARLY CHILDHOOD REGULATIONS 2005 The Early Childhood Regulations are subsidiary to the Act and are put in place to give effect to the provisions of the Early Childhood Act. Regulations generally give much more detail than an Act, and often include procedures and requirements which are more likely to change with time, allowing for easier and timelier amendments. Failure to comply with the Regulations also carries legal consequences, but the penalties are generally less severe than those in the Act. The Regulations make reference to this document in Regulation 20, p. 20, where it states that the operator of an early childhood institution shall ensure that the provisions of the Standards for the Operation, Management and Administration of Early Childhood Institutions issued from time to time by the Minister are adhered to as closely as is reasonably attainable by that institution, taking into account the resources of that institution. STANDARDS FOR THE OPERATION, MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF EARLY CHILDHOOD INSTITUTIONS In Jamaican law, there are two types of Standards; those promulgated by an Act or Regulations and which therefore carry legal consequences and those that serve to improve practice voluntarily and are not legally binding. For practical purposes, this Standards document includes both sets of standards, with clear indications of those standards that are legally binding. The Acceptable Category is highlighted, giving quick reference for self-evaluation Early Childhood Commission 8
9 HOW THE ACT, REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS WORK TOGETHER The Act and Regulations, which together comprise the legal requirements, specify the minimum levels of practice below which institutions will not be registered or allowed to operate. The standards that are not legally binding define best practices for early childhood institutions and serve to encourage institutions to raise their level of practice above minimum requirements. Institutions should try to achieve the highest possible standards to ensure the best outcomes for children. HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT This document reflects the result of extensive research both locally and internationally, on what makes a difference to children s outcomes. There are 12 standard statements, presented in Standards 1 to 12 of this document, each statement describing specific desired outcomes to be achieved (See below for Standard Statements). In each section, the standard statement is accompanied by a rationale, based on research evidence or identified best practice. The ability of an institution to meet the standard of practice is assessed by performance criteria which define the processes through which the standard is achieved. Each performance criterion generally has three categories; Needs Improvement (describing an unacceptable level of practice), Acceptable (describing an acceptable level of practice), and Good (describing a high standard of practice). The category of Good presumes that all criteria in the Acceptable category have been satisfied. Each category has a statement describing the level of practice relevant to that category. Prior to the Performance Criteria, the relevant sections of the Early Childhood Act and Regulations are stated, to make the reader aware of those performance criteria that are legally binding Also, the letters A ( Act), R ( Regulations) and V ( Voluntary) are written in a column beside each performance criterion to assist readers in identifying legal and voluntary standards. Additionally, the performance criteria for Voluntary Standards are written in blue. The Early Childhood Act is supported by other laws and regulations that existed before, e.g. the Public Health Act and Regulation. Laws and Regulations from other Ministries and government agencies are written in red. Where deemed necessary, Appendices are added to provide clarification and more detailed information, as well as to make reference to other laws and requirements of other Ministries and agencies that are referred to in the performance criteria Early Childhood Commission 9
10 STANDARD STATEMENTS Standard 1: STAFFING The staff at early childhood institutions has the characteristics, training, knowledge, skills, and attitude, to help children achieve their full potential. Standard 2: DEVELOPMENTAL/EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES Early childhood institutions have comprehensive programmes designed to meet the language, physical, cognitive, creative, socio-emotional, spiritual, cultural and school readiness needs of children. Standard 3: INTERACTIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS WITH CHILDREN Early childhood staff has the characteristics, training, knowledge, skills and attitude to promote positive behaviours and reduce difficult and challenging behaviours in children. Standard 4: PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Early childhood institutions have physical environments that meet building, health and safety requirements; allow adequate space for children and facilitate the development of children and staff Standard 5: INDOOR AND OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT, FURNISHING AND SUPPLIES Early childhood institutions have indoor and outdoor equipment and furnishings that are safe, child-friendly and promote optimal development of children. Standard 6: HEALTH Early childhood institutions have physical facilities, policies, programmes and procedures that promote healthy lifestyles and protect children and staff from illness. Standard 7: NUTRITION Early childhood institutions provide children in their care with nutritious meals and model good nutritional practices for children and families. Standard 8: SAFETY Early childhood institutions provide safe indoor and outdoor environments for children, staff, stakeholders and visitors to the institution. Standard 9: CHILD RIGHTS, CHILD PROTECTION AND EQUALITY Early childhood institutions uphold the rights of children, protect them from harm and ensure that all children have equal access to services. Standard 10: INTERACTIONS WITH PARENTS AND COMMUNITY MEMBERS The management and staff of early childhood institutions have good relationships with parents, caregivers, family members and the community. Standard 11: ADMINISTRATION Early childhood institutions have a management structure that ensures good administration. There are plans, policies, procedures and programmes that ensure child, family and staff well-being. Standard 12: FINANCE Early childhood institutions have sound financial practices and adhere to standard accounting principles Early Childhood Commission 10
11 INSPECTION AND REGISTRATION Inspection of Early Childhood Institutions is the procedure designated under the Early Childhood Act for ensuring that operators comply with the minimum acceptable standards of practice. The Early Childhood Commission is required under the Act to inspect each Early Childhood Institution twice annually. It is a requirement of registration that the registered operator co-operates with the Early Childhood Commission s inspection process. The registered operator is defined as the person required to apply for registration of an early childhood institution and may be an individual or a group. In deciding on the suitability of an Early Childhood Institution for registration under the Early Childhood Act, the Early Childhood Commission will, based on information obtained at inspection visits, determine whether or not an Early Childhood Institution meets and complies with the Act and Regulations. Where existing provision falls short of the legal requirements, and the shortfall does not present a real and present danger to children, a permit to operate until full requirements are met will be granted, with time scales for institutions to meet requirements. It is acknowledged that some institutions may exceed minimum requirements in full or in some sections only. The Early Childhood Commission encourages the promotion of the highest standards of practice by monitoring not only the minimum requirements at inspection visits, but also by monitoring those standards that are not legally binding. EQUITY The Early Childhood Commission has a policy of equity. This means that the Act, Regulations and Standards apply to all institutions. All will be inspected and expected to comply Early Childhood Commission 11
12 STANDARD ONE Staffing 2007 Early Childhood Commission 12
13 STANDARD AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA FOR STAFF Standard: The staff at early childhood institutions has the characteristics, training, knowledge, skills and attitude to help children achieve their full potential. Rationale: Children have the best developmental outcomes when teachers have high levels of general education and specialised training in early childhood development. Trained teachers possess the knowledge skills and attitudes to provide caring positive interactions with children and their families and a highly stimulating learning environment. Ongoing professional training and development of staff is necessary for staff members to keep up to date in their field, to maintain interest and to motivate staff to higher personal and professional development. 1.1 PERSONAL SUITABILITY OF EARLY CHILDHOOD PRACTITIONERS The standard of early childhood practitioners is affected by factors other than professional qualifications. Early childhood practitioners need to be of suitable character, free of serious criminal convictions, in good health and able to demonstrate positive attitudes to children s care, education and development. The Early Childhood Act: The Act requires that at registration, the applicant and all employees at an Early Childhood Institution have not been convicted of offences under the Dangerous Drug Act, the Offences Against the Person Act or the Child Care and Protection Act, or an offence involving fraud, dishonesty or moral turpitude (Section 3 (3) (c), pg. 2). The Act also requires that employees be not infirmed of mind or body or otherwise incapable of operating or being employed in the institution (Section 3 (3) (f), pg. 3). The Act also states in the Second Schedule (Section 4) that the following should be submitted with every application for registration. (a) the prescribed fee; 2007 Early Childhood Commission 13
14 (b) two passport-sized photographs of the applicant; (c) (d) (e) a reference, in such form as may be prescribed by the Commission in regulations published in the Gazette, from any two of the following persons i. a Justice of the Peace; ii. a Minister of religion iii. an attorney-at-law; iv. the principal of an educational institution or the chairman of the Board of Management of an educational institution; v. a former employer of the applicant; vi. a Resident Magistrate or a Judge of the Supreme Court; or vii. a police officer above the rank of Inspector; a report, from an officer of the Jamaica Fire Brigade authorized by the Commissioner of the Brigade in that behalf, stating that the premises proposed for the operation of the institution have been inspected and that the officer is satisfied that reasonable steps are taken for the prevention of fire and other disaster; a report from a Medical Officer (Health), or any other person authorized in writing in that behalf by the Minister or by a Local Board or by the Medical Officer (Health), stating that the premises proposed for the operation have been inspected and are in compliance with the provisions of the Public Health Act; 2007 Early Childhood Commission 14
15 The Early Childhood Regulations: The Regulations make no specific comment on personal suitability. 1.1 PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: # CATEGORY NEEDS V Practitioners declaration of character A Practitioners Character Record A Staff Health Practitioners and support staff have not completed declaration of character form. A police record is not available for all practitioners and support staff. Practitioners and support staff have not been medically certified to be in good health at employment. All practitioners and support staff have completed a declaration of character form. A police record is available for all practitioners and support staff. All practitioners and support staff have been medically certified to be in good health at employment Early Childhood Commission 15
16 1.2 PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS The standard of early childhood practitioners in Jamaica is established by the type and level of certification achieved (see Appendix 2). The term Early Childhood Practitioners describes all persons employed by Early Childhood Institutions to provide care, education and development services for children. The term therefore includes principals, teachers, and teachers assistants. The term includes registered operators of Early Childhood Institutions only when these persons have direct responsibilities for the care, education and development of children. Other professionals, such as cooks, who provide support services to children while in early childhood institutions, but who do not provide educational and developmental services should be trained in their field. The Early Childhood Act: The Act states that a person shall not operate an early childhood institution or shall not employ any person in the institution for the purpose of caring for the children therein unless they meet the qualifications prescribed in Regulations made by the Commission with the approval of the Minister (Section 15 (1, 2, & 4), pg. 11). The Act also states that a person who contravenes this subsection commits an offence (Section 15 (3), pg. 11). The Early Childhood Regulations: The Regulations state that: a. The operator and every employee of the institution have training in early childhood development by an institution approved by the Commission; (Regulation 6 (1) (a), pg. 2). b. the operator of an early childhood institution which provides care for children over 36 months shall employ at least one qualified teacher at the institution; (Regulation 6 (3), pg. 3) i. Qualified teacher means a person who, at minimum, has been issued a diploma by a recognized teacher training college. (Regulation 6 (6), pg 3) Early Childhood Commission 16
17 1.2 PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: # CATEGORY NEEDS Early Childhood Principal The Principal or Head or Head does not have certification in Teaching, Social Work, R Nursing or other Child Development related field R R R Early Childhood Lead Teacher Early Childhood Associate Teacher Early Childhood Assistant Teacher II There is no Lead Teacher with a Bachelor s Degree or a Diploma in teaching. Person(s) performing Associate Teacher functions have not been trained to the NCTVET NVQ-J Level III or do not have equivalent qualifications. Person(s) performing Assistant Teacher II functions have no t been trained to the NCTVET NVQ-J Level II or do not have equivalent qualifications. The Principal or Head has certification in Teaching, Social Work, Nursing, or other Child Development related field. There is at least one Lead Teacher with a Bachelor s Degree or Diploma in teaching. At least 50% of the person(s) performing Associate Teacher functions is/are trained and certified at the NCTVET NVQ-J Level III or have equivalent qualifications while the others are in training. At least 50% of the person(s) performing Assistant Teacher II functions is/are trained and certified at the NCTVET NVQ-J Level II or have equivalent qualifications while the others are in training. The Principal or Head has certification in Teaching, Social Work, Nursing or other Child Development related field and has certification in administration. There is more than one Lead Teacher with a Bachelor s Degree or a Diploma in teaching. All person(s) performing Associate Teachers functions are trained and certified at the NVTVET NVQ-J Level III or have equivalent qualifications. All person(s) performing Assistant Teacher II functions are trained and certified at the NCTVET NVQ-J Level II or have equivalent qualifications Early Childhood Commission 17
18 # CATEGORY NEEDS Early Childhood Persons performing Assistant Teacher I Assistant Teacher I functions have not been R trained to the NCTVET NVQ-J Level I or do not have equivalent V V Cook/Food Service Worker Assistant Cook/Assistant Food Service Worker qualifications. Persons performing cook/food service worker functions have no qualification and training in Food and Nutrition. Person(s) performing assistant cook(s) have no training in Food and Nutrition. At least 50% of the person(s) performing Assistant Teacher I functions is/are trained and certified at the NCTVET Level NVQ-J I or have equivalent qualifications, while the others are in training. All cooks is/are trained and certified at NCTVET Level I in Food and Nutrition for ECD or equivalent qualification. All person(s) performing assistant cook(s) functions have received documented training in Food and Nutrition provided by trained personnel. All person(s) performing Assistant Teacher I functions are trained and certified at the NCTVET NVQ-J Level I or have equivalent qualifications. Cooks are trained and certified at NCTVET Level II in Food and Nutrition for ECD or equivalent qualification, and have additional supervisory training or certification. Assistant cooks are trained and certified in Food and Nutrition Early Childhood Commission 18
19 1.3 OTHER SPECIFIC TRAINING REQUIREMENTS Early Childhood Practitioners require knowledge outside of the field of child development to provide adequate care for children. Knowledge of emergency care, health issues, and laws relating to children ensure safety, protection, health and well-being of children and staff. The Early Childhood Act: - The Act has no comment on other staff training requirements The Early Childhood Regulations: - The Regulations require that each employee is trained in paediatric first aid, including rescue breathing and first aid for choking; the use of universal precautions against blood borne illnesses; recognising signs of child abuse and the referral mechanisms and reporting requirements under the Public Health Act and the Child Care and Protection Act. (Regulation 6 (1) (b) (i iv), pg. 2). The Regulations also require that the operator of an Early Child Institution shall ensure that every employee receives training in recognizing the symptoms of common illnesses. (Regulation 6 (5), pg. 3). (See list of Common Illness in Appendix 3). The Regulations states employee means an employee who has responsibility for the supervision, education or care of children at the institution as part of the requirements of employment; (Regulation 6 (6), pg. 3) Early Childhood Commission 19
20 1.3 PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: # CATEGORY NEEDS Paediatric First Aid Practitioners are not trained in paediatric first aid, including rescue breathing and first aid for R choking R R Universal Precautions Child Abuse Practitioners are not trained in the use of universal precautions against blood borne illnesses. Practitioners are not trained in recognising the signs of child abuse. All practitioners have received documented hours of training, in paediatric first aid, including rescue breathing and first aid for choking, provided by trained personnel. All practitioners have received documented hours of training in the use of universal precautions against blood borne illnesses, provided by trained personnel. All practitioners have received documented hours of training in recognising the signs of child abuse, provided by trained personnel. Practitioners have completed courses or workshops with certification and documented hours of training in paediatric first aid, including rescue breathing and first aid for choking. Practitioners have completed courses or workshops with certification and documented hours of training in the use of universal precautions against blood borne illnesses. Practitioners have completed courses or workshops with certification and documented hours of training in recognising the signs of child abuse Early Childhood Commission 20
21 # CATEGORY NEEDS Public Health Act Practitioners are not trained in the referral mechanisms and reporting requirements under the R Public Health Act R R Child Care and Protection Act Early Childhood Act, Regulations and Standards Practitioners are not trained in the referral mechanisms and reporting requirements under the Child Care and Protection Act. Practitioners have no training in the Early Childhood Act, Regulation and Standards. All practitioners have received documented hours of training in the referral mechanisms and reporting requirements under the Public Health Act, provided by trained personnel. All practitioners have received documented hours of training in the referral mechanisms and reporting requirements under the Child Care and Protection Act, provided by trained personnel. All practitioners have received documented hours of training in the Early Childhood Act, Regulations and Standards, provided by trained personnel. Practitioners have completed courses or workshops with certification and documented hours of training in the referral mechanisms and reporting requirements under the Public Health Act. Practitioners have completed courses or workshops with certification and documented hours of training in the referral mechanisms and reporting requirements under the Child Care and Protection Act. Practitioners have completed courses and workshops with certification and documented hours of training in the Early Childhood Act, Regulations and Standards Early Childhood Commission 21
22 # CATEGORY NEEDS Care of Children with Practitioners are not Special Needs trained in the care and development of children V with special needs V V Acceptable methods of Discipline Recognition of illness and prevention of transmission of illness Practitioners are not trained in acceptable methods of discipline for small children. Practitioners are not trained in the recognition of illness and prevention of transmission of illness. All practitioners have received documented hours of training in the care and development of children with special needs, provided by trained personnel. All practitioners have received documented hours of training in acceptable methods of discipline for small children, provided by trained personnel. All practitioners have received documented hours of training in the recognition of illness and prevention of transmission of illness, provide by trained personnel. Practitioners have completed courses or workshops with certification and documented hours of training in the care and development of children with special needs. Practitioners have completed courses or workshops with certification and documented hours of training in acceptable methods of discipline for young children. Practitioners have completed courses with certification and documented hours of training in the recognition of illness and prevention of transmission of illness Early Childhood Commission 22
23 # CATEGORY NEEDS V V Ministry of Health Immunization requirements Safety and injury prevention and emergency Practitioners are not trained in the Ministry of Health s immunization requirements. Practitioners are not trained in safety and injury prevention. All practitioners have received documented hours of training in the Ministry of Health s immunization requirements. All practitioners have received documented hours of training in safety and injury prevention. Practitioners have completed courses with certification and documented hours of training in the Ministry of Health s immunization requirements. Practitioners have completed courses with certification and documented hours of training in safety and injury prevention V V Training in Human Rights Training in Child Rights Practitioners are not trained in Human Rights Practitioners are not trained in Child Rights All practitioners have received documented on the job training in human rights, by trained personnel.. All practitioners have received documented on the job training in child rights, by trained personnel. All practitioners have completed courses or workshops with certification and documented hours of training in human rights. All practitioners have completed courses or workshops with certification and documented hours of training in child rights Early Childhood Commission 23
24 1.4 MINIMUM STAFFING LEVELS, PRACTITIONER-CHILD RATIOS, AND GROUP SIZE: There must be a minimum of two adults on the premises at all times, regardless of how few children are present. One of these adults should be a qualified early childhood practitioner at the Assistant Teacher II level or above and nominated as the designated person in charge. This allows children to be supervised by at least one adult in case of an emergency involving or occupying the attention of the other adult. The practitioner-child staffing levels, ratios and group size reflect the physical, psychological and emotional development needs of children of different ages and developmental stages. Higher ratios prevent the appropriate caregiver-child interactions upon which the outcomes for children depend, particularly for children who are vulnerable. Additionally higher ratios prevent adequate attention to health and safety. Operators of all Early Childhood Institutions should provide appropriate staffing levels, ratios and group sizes for optimal care, stimulation, education, emotional development and safety for the children entrusted to their care. Where children of mixed ages are present in a group, the practitioner child ratio is determined by the age of the youngest child or children. Practitioner-child ratios and group sizes mentioned below must be maintained at all times. There must be a strategy for temporary and emergency cover. In an emergency staffing situation, activities requiring low supervision (e.g. story telling, listening to music) should be scheduled and there must be options to call on practitioners who are on a break, if they are needed. Substitutes, students and volunteers without professional qualification, shall work under direct supervision of a qualified staff member and shall not be alone with a group of children. Support staff employed as administrators, cleaners, cooks and caretakers/handy-persons are not counted in staffing ratios. There must be sufficient support staff employed to avoid practitioners having to carry out tasks that are inappropriate to their roles and responsibilities. The Early Childhood Act: The Act has no comment on minimum staffing levels, practitioner-child ratios, or group sizes. The Early Childhood Regulations: The Regulations state that the operator of the institution shall ensure that children, while at the institution, are supervised at all times by a sufficient number of staff of the institution. A sufficient number of staff means a ratio of at least one member of staff to every 5 children under the age of one year, one member of staff to every 8 children between one to two years, and one member of staff to every ten children between three and five years. (Regulation 16 (4) (a e), pg. 15) Early Childhood Commission 24
25 1.4 PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: # CATEGORY NEEDS Minimum Staffing level Less than two staff members on the premises R at any time R Practitioner-child ratios The following ratios are maintained: Children 0-12 months 1 adult: more than 5 children. Children months 1 adult: more than 8 children. Children 3-6 yrs. 1 adult: more than 10 children. Two staff members on the premises at all times. At least one staff member at Assistant Teacher II level or above. The following ratios are maintained: Children 0-12 months 1 adult: 5 children. Children months 1 adult: 8 children. Children 3-6 yrs. 1 adult: 10 children. More than two staff members on the premises at all times. At least one staff member at Associate Teacher level. The following ratios are maintained: Children 0-12 months 1 adult: 4 or less children. Children months 1 adult: 7 or less children. Children 3-6 yrs. 1 adult: 9 or less children Early Childhood Commission 25
26 # CATEGORY NEEDS Group size The following minimum group sizes are maintained: Children 0-12 months more than 10 children V Children months more than 16 children V V Group supervision Continuity of Care Children 3-6 yrs. more than 20 children. Staff members supervising groups are at Assistant Teacher level. Each child has more than three caregivers each day. The following minimum group sizes are maintained: Children 0-12 months 10 children. Children months 16 children. Children 3-6 yrs. 20 children. At least one staff member supervising each group of children is trained at Associate Teacher level or above. Each child has no more than 3 caregivers in an 8 hour day. The following group sizes are maintained: Children 0-12 months 9 or less children. Children months 15 or less children. Children 3-6 yrs. 19 or less children. All staff members supervising groups of children are at Associate Teacher level or above. Each child has a maximum of 2 caregivers in any one day Early Childhood Commission 26
27 1.5 OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Maintaining an optimum professional standard requires exposure to new ideas and advances in the field of child development, opportunities to refresh skills and support for improving levels of competence. Early childhood practitioners improve their professional development by undertaking in-service training courses, seminars or workshops. 1.5 PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: # CATEGORY NEEDS Opportunity for Less than 50% of Professional practitioners are given the V Development opportunity for professional development each year. At least 50% of practitioners are given the opportunity for professional development, each year. All practitioners are given the opportunity for professional development each year V Continuing Professional Education Less than 50% of practitioners have completed 12 hours of documented training each year in child development or a related field. At least 50% of practitioners have at least completed 12 hours of documented training each year in child development or a related field. All practitioners and support staff have completed 12 hours or more of documented training each year in child development or a related field Early Childhood Commission 27
28 STANDARD TWO Development and Educational Programmes 2007 Early Childhood Commission 28
29 STANDARD AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA FOR DEVELOPMENTAL / EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES Standard: Early childhood institutions have comprehensive programmes designed to meet the language, physical, cognitive, creative, socio-emotional, spiritual, cultural and school readiness needs of children. Rationale: Research has consistently shown strong links between high quality early childhood programmes and children s language, physical, cognitive, creative, socio-emotional development and school readiness skills. Additionally, the quality of children s learning experiences at the early childhood level determine their success at primary and secondary education and their job opportunities as adults. Consequently, it is imperative that practitioners provide programmes that are developmentally appropriate and structured to meet the needs of the individual child. Programme planning must also allow for monitoring and accountability DEVELOPMENTAL /EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME PLANNING Advanced programme planning allows smooth delivery and assists in ensuring that programme objectives are met. Programme evaluation allows for continuous review and improvement of the quality of services offered. The Early Childhood Act: The Act makes no specific comment on programme plans. The Early Childhood Regulations: The Regulations state that every early childhood institution shall develop and implement a flexible daily programme plan. See Performance Criteria 2.2 (Programme Structure) for regulations concerning the content of the plan (Regulation 18 (1), pg. 17). The Regulations also state that the programme plan shall: (a) be displayed in writing in a conspicuous place on the premises of the institution, and a copy thereof shall be made available upon request to: i. any parent or guardian of a child enrolled, or seeking enrolment, at the institution; or ii. the Commission (Regulation 18 (2) (a) (i ii), pg. 18) Early Childhood Commission 29
30 (b) include i. indoor and outdoor physical activities that provide opportunities for fine and gross motor development; ii. create experiences which allow the child to develop and express his own ideas, feelings and culture in all parts of the programme (such as art, dramatic play, music and language); iii. language learning experiences that provide opportunities that provide for spontaneous conversation, as well as experiences with books, poems, stories and songs; iv. experiences that promote self-reliance and self-esteem (including the care of the body, clothing and possessions, toilet training and hygiene) and health and nutrition practices and safety awareness; v. child-initiated and adult initiated activities; vi. exploration and discovery activities; vii. individual and group activities (including the promotion of shared group responsibility for equipment and materials); viii. active play, quiet activity and rest or sleep; ix. varied choices in material and equipment; x. a tidying up time; (Regulation 18 (2) (b) (i x), pg ) Early Childhood Commission 30
31 2.1 PERFORMANCE CRITERIA # CATEGORY NEEDS Presence of general No long term or short developmental/educational term program plans V programme plans developed. Children s activities decided on a day R R V Accessibility of general developmental / educational program plans Flexibility of programme plans to address individual needs Staff meetings specific for program planning to day basis. Program plans not displayed in a conspicuous place. No copies available for parents. Programme plans are not flexible. No staff meetings for planning of programmes. Long term plans for the academic year developed as well as short term plans for specific periods, such as months or terms. Program plans displayed in a conspicuous place. Copies available for parents. Flexible programme plans which allow for individual ability and needs of children to be met. (See Appendix 4 for an example of a weekly programme plan). Staff meetings are held at least monthly to review programmes. Records of staff meetings are available. Additionally, program plans show clearly how short term plans allow long term plans to be achieved. Copies made available to all parents periodically, (e.g. beginning of each school term). Additionally, individual programme plans are available for all children. Individual programme plans show links with general programme plans and adjustments necessary to meet individual children s needs. Records of meetings indicate recommendations, and follow-up actions taken to improve programmes Early Childhood Commission 31
32 2.2 DEVELOPMENTAL / EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME STRUCTURE A structured programme ensures that children have exposure to activities that stimulate all aspects of their development. Programme structures do not need to be the same in all institutions, but should have all the elements known to be associated with good child outcomes. The Early Childhood Act: The Act makes no specific comment on programme structure. The Early Childhood Regulations: The Regulations state that every early childhood institution shall develop and implement a flexible daily programme plan comprised of activities that take into account (a) the developmental stages of different age groups; (b) individual abilities and needs; (c) the need to respect each child s primary language while encouraging the use of standard English as the official language of Jamaica; (d) the need to encourage a non-sexist approach to learning and play that recognises children s preferences and not their gender; (e) differences in learning styles; (f) the need to provide a variety of experiences in order to promote the physical, social, emotional, creative, intellectual and spiritual development of children; and (g) all specific areas of development. (Regulation 18 (1) (a-g), pg. 17) The Regulations also state that the plan referred to in paragraph (1) shall include (i) (ii) (iii) indoor and outdoor physical activities that provide opportunities for fine and gross motor development; create experiences which allow the child to develop and express his own ideas, feelings and culture in all parts of the programme (such as art, dramatic play, music and language); language learning experiences that provide opportunities for spontaneous conversation, as well as experiences with books, poems, stories and songs; 2007 Early Childhood Commission 32
33 (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) experiences that promote self-reliance and self-esteem (including the care of the body, clothing and possessions, toilet training and hygiene) and health education experiences that include the modelling of good health and nutrition practices and safety awareness; child-initiated and adult-initiated activities; exploration and discovery activities; individual and group activities (including the promotion of shared group responsibility for equipment and materials); active play, quiet activity and rest or sleep; varied choices in material and equipment; and a tidying up time (Regulation 18 (2) (b) (i-x), pg. 18) Early Childhood Commission 33
34 2.2 PERFORMANCE CRITERIA # CATEGORY NEEDS Weekly Schedule A weekly schedule of activities is not posted R A weekly schedule indicating activities for each day is posted and easily viewed by parents, EC practitioners and visitors. Additionally, a pictorial schedule of activities is available to guide older children and some adults R Flexibility of Schedule Schedule shows no flexibility. Schedule allows flexibility, e.g. related to changes in environment, children s choices, and current events. Printed schedule has a variety of alternative activities R Developmental Appropriateness of Activities Activities are not developmentally appropriate for ages of children present. Activities are developmentally appropriate for age groups present. Special attention is given to children whose developmental progress is slower than others to assist them to meet developmental goals. Activities are developmentally appropriate for age groups. Additionally special attention is given to children whose developmental progress is more rapid than others to assist them to reach their developmental potential Early Childhood Commission 34
35 # CATEGORY NEEDS Variety of Activities The children s daily schedule does not indicate a variety of activities R The children s daily schedule indicates a variety of activities including: (1)indoor and outdoor play; (2)individual and group activities; (3)quiet and active play; (4)child centred and teacher directed activities. Schedule has specific times devoted to each type of activity, ensuring adequate balance R R V Domains of Activities Avoidance of Gender Bias Use of Curriculum Activities do not include all domains of development: language, physical (gross/fine motor), cognitive and reasoning, socioemotional and spiritual. Girls and boys are directed to specific gender-biased activities. A curriculum guide is not used to plan children s activities. Activities include all domains of development. Girls and boys are free to choose activities. A curriculum approved by the Early Childhood Commission is used to plan children s activities. Activities include and integrate all domains of development. Some activities enhance individual domains, while others integrate domains. Girls and boys are encouraged to participate equally in all activities. Teachers utilise the environment, current events and other specific curriculum to enhance the curriculum in use Early Childhood Commission 35
36 2.3 DEVELOPMENTAL / EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME CONTENT A comprehensive programme using a variety of teaching methods allows children to achieve optimal development in all areas. The Early Childhood Act: The Act makes no specific comment on programme content. The Early Childhood Regulations: The Regulations state that every early childhood institution shall develop and implement a flexible daily programme plan composed of activities that take into account (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) the developmental stages of different age groups; individual abilities and needs; the need to respect each child s primary language while encouraging the use of standard English as the official language of Jamaica; the need to encourage a non-sexist approach to learning and play that recognises children s preferences and not their gender; differences in learning styles; the need to provide a variety of experiences in order to promote the physical, social, emotional, creative, intellectual and spiritual development of children; and all specific areas of development. The Regulations also state that the plan referred to in paragraph (1) shall include (i) (ii) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) indoor and outdoor physical activities that provide opportunities for fine and gross motor development; create experiences which allow the child to develop and express his own ideas, feelings and culture in all parts of the programme (such as art, dramatic play, music and language); language learning experiences that provide opportunities for spontaneous conversation, as well as experiences with books, poems, stories and songs; experiences that promote self-reliance and self-esteem (including the care of the body, clothing and possessions, toilet training and hygiene) and health education experiences that include the modelling of good health and nutrition practices and safety awareness; child-initiated and adult-initiated activities; exploration and discovery activities; 2007 Early Childhood Commission 36
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PLEASE NOTE This document, prepared by the Legislative Counsel Office, is an office consolidation of this regulation, current to November 8, 2005. It is intended for information and reference purposes
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Part-time Guide
Aberdeen College, Gallowgate Centre, Gallowgate, Aberdeen AB25 1BN.
Part-time day and evening courses:
Tel 01224 612000 • Email [email protected] • Web www.abcol.ac.uk
class times, locations, contacts, fees and general information
business | pleasure | community
Part-time Guide 2012-13
Aberdeen College is committed to ensuring that people with additional needs and disabilities are treated fairly. We will, therefore, make reasonable adjustments to ensure that students with additional needs and disabilities are not substantially disadvantaged.
We hope you will find everything you need to know about our Part-time courses - but if you have any questions, please contact: The Information and Booking Centre Tel: 01224 612330 Email: [email protected]
Aberdeen College is committed to the promotion of equality and the elimination of unlawful discrimination. Copies of the College’s Equality and Diversity Policy and its Race, Gender and Disability Schemes are available on our website.
Web: www.abcol.ac.uk
The information contained in this publication, particularly relating to College Policies, Codes and Regulations, courses and fees, was correct at the time of going to print but is subject to alteration without notice. Anyone wishing to confirm any of the information should write to the enquiry address or check the College’s website (www.abcol.ac.uk) which is regularly updated. June 2012.
Copyright © 2012, all rights reserved.
Mission Statement To deliver, in partnership with other providers, a high quality education and training
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service, appropriate to the lifelong learning needs and aspirations of its clients, in a
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What’s new? Different Ways to Study 4-5 Booking 6-7 Registering Your Interest 9 Fees 12 Open Days 2 3
COURSES 13-15 Accounting
58-59 Highers & Intermediate 2
Art, Design & Photography, Dressmaking, Sewing & Textiles, Knitting & Crocheting
20 Arts and Crafts 21-23 Beauty & Hairdressing 23-24 British Sign Language 24-25 Business Management 26-28 Care Studies 29-40 Computing / Information Technology:
Health & Safety
60-63 Hospitality
Fine Dine With Me
REHIS Elementary Food Hygiene
64 Human Resource Management 65-68 Languages 69-70 Music, Drama & Dance 70-71 Personal Development 71-72 Psychology
First Steps / Microsoft Office /
Networking & Programming /
PC Maintenance & Repair 75-76 Sailing Web Page Design & Multimedia 76 Transport Customer Care 77-78 TV, Radio & Sound Production
40 41-42
Creative Cuisine & Cake Decorating
42-43 Education & Childcare 43-49
CAD / Electrical & Electronics /
Fabrication & Welding /
Quality Assurance
Trade Courses
Booking Form
Mechanical 50-52 English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) 53-54
First Aid
Floristry & Garden Design
New courses for 2012-13 • IAB Level 1 and 2 Award in Computerised Book Keeping • IAB Level 2 Award in Practical Payroll • IAB Level 3 Award in Computerised Book Keeping • Creative Textiles Techniques • Introduction to Dressmaking • Knitting and Crocheting for Beginners • Discover Decoupage • Nail Art • British Sign Language (Intermediate 2) • Award in Mental Health Awareness (Level 1) • Certificate in Counselling Skills (Level 2) • Certificate in Provision of Activities in a Care Setting (Level 2) • Improving Personal Exercise, Health and Nutrition (Level 2) • Award in Nutrition and Health (Level 2) • Internet and Email: Next Step • Office 365 for End Users • Office 365 Public Website Design • Office 365 Sharepoint Online - Advanced Users • Office 365 Sharepoint Online - End Users • Cake Decoration: Next Step • Certificate in Customer Service (Level 2) • Learning to Learn • Creative Colouring • Flavours of the World: Traditional Scottish Fayre • Musical Theatre • Social Dancing For All: Scottish Country; Ballroom & Salsa • Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement (Level 3) • Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes & Practice (Level 4) • Location Lighting & Use of Filters for Video • Protools 101 & Protools 110. They are marked within the guide as
• NEW course •
Looking for a job – Give yourself the edge by upgrading your qualifications with our Short Half-day Courses. These courses are certificated through NCFE: • • • • • • • • • • • • •
ICS Effective Customer Care (One Day Course) ICS Effective Supervisor (One Day Course) ICS Equality & Diversity (One Day Course) ICS Fire Safety Awareness (One Day Course) ICS Fire Warden (One Day Course) ICS Health & Safety (One Day Course) ICS Health & Safety Risk Assessment (One Day Course) ICS Moving & Handling Objects (One Day Course) ICS Moving & Handling People (One Day Course) ICS Personal Safety Awareness (One Day Course) ICS Paediatric First Aid (Two Day Course) ICS Protection Of Vulnerable Adults (One Day Course) ICS Safeguarding Children (Child Protection) (One Day Course).
In addition... Aberdeen College Is working In partnership with The Open University to promote their ‘Openings’ courses. These courses are: Level: Course Length: Start Dates: Course Cost: Delivery:
SCQF Level 7 (15 Credits) 20 Weeks (Requiring 6 hours of study per week) November, January, March and June £200 (ILA Approved) Distance learning basis, with our tutor support.
Subjects Include: • • • • •
Introducing Environment • Making Sense of the Arts Starting with Law • Starting with Maths Starting with Psychology • Understanding Health Understanding Children and Young People Understanding Management • Understanding Society
Further Information Is available at:
or contact Student Registration & Enquiry Service +44 (0)845 300 60 90
Different ways to study
At Aberdeen College Centres
Most part-time classes are taught at our Gallowgate and Altens Centres in Aberdeen, and at our satellite centre in Inverurie.
At many different venues
Or you choose
Others classes are taught in local venues across Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire.
There is also a wide variety of self-study options giving you the flexibility to choose where and when you want to study. The majority of courses have tutor support so you won’t be left completely on your own and if you don’t have a computer at home, don’t worry, you can use the IT facilities within Aberdeen College Centres (subject to opening hours and availability of equipment).
Within this guide you will see that some courses have information with dates and times, whereas others ask you to ‘Register an Interest’. Firstly, let’s look at courses that contain dates and times. Follow the steps below to BOOK onto your course...
ONLINE Find the course you want at www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time. Once you have found the course you wish to book, and are paying using a debit/credit card, click the Book Online button. This will take you to the next page where you will be asked if it is for yourself or for an employee – select the one that applies. Please note this method cannot be used for fee waiver or ILA payments. See page 10 for guidance on eligibility.
BY PHONE Contact us on 01224 612330 and press option 3 where a member of the team will be happy to help you. If all assistants are busy, please leave a message and we will call you back. You can pay using one of the following credit/debit cards – Mastercard/VISA/Maestro/Delta.
BY POST Complete the form at the back of this guide and send (no stamp required) to: The Part-time Admissions Office Aberdeen College FREEPOST AB580 Gallowgate Centre Aberdeen AB25 1BN
Please do not send cash through the post. Please remember Freepost takes a little longer to be delivered, when places are limited you may wish to use a stamp or book in person to avoid possible disappointment.
Tel: 01224 612330 or Email: [email protected] and request FORM EBF 2012/2013.
IN PERSON Visit the Information and Booking Centre located in the College’s Gallowgate Centre, or at our Inverurie Centre. Opening Times Information & Booking Centre, Gallowgate Centre Mon-Thurs 10.00am-5.00pm, Fri 10.00am-3.45pm, Sat & Sun - Closed
Booking a place for an employee to attend a class can be completed online by following the information on the previous page about online booking. Alternatively, contact the College:
NOTE Please note that courses are offered subject to there being sufficient numbers of bookings and the availability of resources. The College reserves the right NOT to run courses where numbers are insufficient. Fees are ONLY refundable if the course does not run. The College reserves the right to amend fees/ prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
Inverurie Learning Centre Mon-Thurs 9.00am-9.00pm (term-time), 9.00am-5.00pm (during holidays), Fri 9.00am-5.00pm, Sat & Sun - Closed
Registering your interest
What does this mean? We want to offer classes in a place and at a time that suits you, so we need to know where you want to study and whether you prefer a morning, afternoon or evening. Once we receive this information and have viable numbers, we’ll be in touch with details of classes being held that best suit your requirements.
Need some HELP? For guidance or to discuss suitability of courses or study methods before you book your place, contact the Information and Booking Centre, Tel: 01224 612330 or email: [email protected]
How do you register your interest? Online Visit: www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time Find the course that you are interested in and click on ‘Register an Interest’ at the bottom of the page. Fill in your name, location and contact details and answer the two simple questions. or
By Phone Phone the Information and Booking Centre on 01224 612330 and answer a few short questions.
What happens next? Once we have enough interest from people in your area to run a class, we’ll set one up and let you know so that you can book your place.
Fees All course fees must be paid on booking unless your course is free (check the list of benefits). Courses will NOT run where enrolment numbers are too low or where resources are not available. Examination entry fees may be payable for certain courses later in the session. Details are available from the class tutor. A charge may be made for materials used by students on part-time programmes.
Refunds Course fees are only refundable if the course does not run. For further information please contact the Information & Booking Centre.
Important If you do take up a place on a College course, before the start of the course you will be asked to sign an enrolment form. In signing the form and/or taking up a place on a College course, you will enter into a contract with the College and be bound by the Aberdeen College Standard Terms and Conditions of Study. Copies of the Terms and Conditions are available for inspection on noticeboards and at various locations throughout the College, at the College reception, on the College website: www.abcol.ac.uk, or can be obtained on request from the Information and Booking Centre Manager, Aberdeen College, Gallowgate Centre, Gallowgate, Aberdeen AB25 1BN.
Your course may be FREE if any of the following apply to you and you are NOT a current full-time student at Aberdeen College: You are in receipt of the following benefits: • Incapacity Benefit • Disability Living Allowance • Carers’ Allowance • Severe Disablement Allowance • Attendance Allowance • Contributory Employment & Support Allowance.
You or your family is in receipt of any of the following benefits: • Pension Credit • Working Tax Credit • Housing Benefit • Income Support • Income Based Job Seekers’ • Income related Employment and Support Allowance. Allowance
If you are eligible in any of the categories please complete the Waiver 1 Form at the back of this guide along with a Booking Form and submit with current evidence of your eligibility. Evidence must be dated within the last four weeks of the date you book onto the course and clearly show your name, address and the benefit you are in receipt of. Additionally, you may be entitled to remission of fees if the taxable income of the student’s family*, in the previous financial tax year (2011/2012), is equivalent to or lower than the threshold below: • Households with only one person - £8,282 • Households consisting of a couple without children - £12,395 • Households with dependent children - £18,977 * The burden of proof is on the student to satisfy the College with evidence of their family’s income.
SQA Higher National Certificates and Diplomas (HNCs & HNDs), Professional Development Awards (PDAs) and Individual Higher National (HN) Units. All students registering for the above courses must pay the appropriate SQA administration fees. Course fees where SQA administration fees apply are marked with an asterisk*. Students setting out with the intention of achieving a full HNC or HND Group Award pay the full HNC or HND Group Award Fee in addition to the course fee at the time of booking. Students will receive a Group Award Certificate on completion of all required units. Students undertaking units on an individual basis pay the HN Single Unit Registration Fee at the time of booking and will receive a certificate on successful completion of each unit. Students undertaking PDAs pay the Single Registration Fee applicable to the number of units that form the Award and will receive a Group Award Certificate on completion of the required units. HN Single Unit FEE - £13.50* HNC Group Award - £108.75* / HND Group Award - £131.25* *Subject to change
INDIVIDUAL LEARNING ACCOUNTS (ILAs) Important information about ILAs ILAs are administered entirely by ILA Scotland, NOT the College. For information and advice on ILAs, please contact ILA Scotland at: www.ilascotland.org.uk or freephone 0808 100 1090 From 1 July 2012, changes will come into effect with regards to learner eligibility for ILA Scotland funding.
Current eligibility criteria for ILA Scotland account applications: • must be 16 years old or over • must be ordinarily resident in Scotland • must have an income of £22,000 a year or less, or in receipt of benefits.
Additional criteria to be applied to applicants as of 1 July 2012: • must not hold a UK degree (or overseas equivalent) • must not be undertaking any form of full-time or part-time secondary, further or higher education • must not be participating on any National Training Programme (Modern Apprenticeships, Get Ready for Work or Training for Work).
All account applications and account renewals received on or after 1 July 2012 will be assessed under these new additional criteria.
Statement The fee rates quoted in this guide do not apply in the case of any individual who does not meet the residential criteria relating to ‘home status’. The basic criteria are that the individual must be ordinarily resident in the UK or EEA for the past three years, having no restrictions on the right to stay in the UK. Any applicant unable to fulfil these criteria should state this at the time of booking so they can pay the non-subsidised fee rate that applies in these cases. Applicants who are not entitled to pay the ‘home’ fee rates are advised that they must pay the overseas fee rate to be entitled to take up a place on the course. The conditions relating to residence are complex and an enquiry in this respect may be referred to the College’s International Guidance Tutor or Student Funding Adviser.
open days For information and guidance on part-time courses: Gallowgate Centre, Aberdeen Thursday 16 August 2012, from 16.00 - 19.00 Saturday 17 November 2012, from 10.00 - 14.00 Inverurie Learning Centre, Crichie Cottage, West Church Lane, Inverurie Tuesday 14 August 2012, from 14.00 - 19.00
• accounting • art, design & photography • arts & crafts
ACCOUNTING HNC Accounting This is the first part of the HNC Accounting and covers 6 HN credits (12 credits are required for the HNC). These units are assessed on a continuous basis, Course work takes the form of essays, reports, presentations, case studies and practical projects. This course is suitable for those with Highers, or who have completed the Higher syllabus or have successfully completed a non-advanced College course. Part two of the programme will run from next session. Course Ref B1CA-E121A
Method Taught
Start 4-Sep-12
Fee: £640* (See page 10 for additional fee information)
Weeks 35
Day Tue/Thu
Time 18.00:21.15
Venue Gallowgate
Guidance 3
Qualification • HNC YEAR 1
Business Accounting Gain an understanding of the use of accounting information within a business organisation. Also consider the key users of accounting information and the various sources of finance used to analyse the performance of a business. Course Ref Y2UBG-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £228 (Includes SQA registration)* Qualification • HN UNIT
Award in Manual Book Keeping (Level 1)
Begin your book keeping studies and gain an entry level qualification. Also suitable for owners of small businesses, this course covers single entry or a manual book keeping system. Course Ref Y2NIB-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £252
Qualification • IAB
Award in Manual Book Keeping (Level 2) Further your book keeping studies at Level 2. Also suitable for those who already have some practical knowledge. Course Ref Y2NID-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £292
Qualification • IAB
Award in Computerised Book Keeping (Levels 1 & 2)
• NEW course •
Aimed at individuals who wish to begin their studies of bookkeeping and gain an entry level qualification at Level 1 of the National Framework from a point of no previous knowledge or those who have some practical knowledge and skills at this level and wish to gain an accredited qualification in the subject. Course Ref Y2NCB-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £292
Qualification • IAB
Award in Payroll (Level 1) Designed to appeal to those who are keen to gain an understanding of basic payroll procedures and wish to become professional payroll processors. Course Ref Y2NIP-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £272
Qualification • IAB
Award in Practical Payroll (Level 2)
• NEW course •
Designed to appeal to those who wish to gain a qualification at this level in a semi-manual environment with the necessary practical skills. Course Ref Y2NPT-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £252
Qualification • IAB
Award in Computerised Payroll (Level 2)
The IAB Level 1 & 2 Award in Computerised Bookkeeping is aimed at individuals who wish to begin their studies of computerised bookkeeping and gain a qualification at Levels 1 & 2 of the National Framework from either a point of no previous knowledge. It could also be used by those candidates who have some practical knowledge and skills and wish to gain an accredited qualification in the subject. Owners of small businesses may also find this qualification useful as it gives coverage of the use of commercially available computerised software, suitable for the production of small business accounts. Course Ref Y2NIS-O121A
Method Self Study
Fee: £252
Qualification • IAB
Start Weeks Day Time Venue 1-Aug-12
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
Award in Computerised Book Keeping (Level 3)
• NEW course •
The IAB Level 3 Award in Computerised Bookkeeping is aimed at individuals who already have a good working knowledge of the software, and wish to further their studies of computerised bookkeeping within a working business environment gaining a qualification at Level 3 of the National Framework from a point of no previous knowledge or having achieved the IAB Level 2 Award in Computerised Bookkeeping. It could also be used by those candidates who have good practical knowledge and skills and wish to gain an accredited qualification in the subject. Owners of small businesses may also find this qualification useful as it gives coverage of wide range of tasks that can be carried out using commercially available accounting software. Course Ref Y2NCT-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £282
Qualification • IAB
Award in Manual Book Keeping (Level 3) This course is primarily designed for those who already have some book keeping experience and who wish to acquire further skills required of Bookkeepers, Accounts Clerks and Financial Administrators in a manual accounting environment. Course Ref Y2NIG-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £292
Qualification • IAB
Producing your own fine art is a relaxing hobby and a great way to interact with your surroundings. A love for art is the only requirement for this introductory course to painting and drawing. Develop a latent talent, or discover a new one. Gain the satisfaction and confidence that comes from completing your own masterpiece. Course Ref Y5NAU-D121A Y5NAU-D122A Y5NAU-D123A Y5NAU-E121A Y5NAU-E121B Y5NAU-E122A Y5NAU-E122B Y5NAU-E123A Y5NAU-E123B
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 5-Sep-12 16-Jan-13 17-Apr-13 30-Aug-12 6-Sep-12 17-Jan-13 17-Jan-13 18-Apr-13 18-Apr-13
Fee: £135
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 8 9
Day Wed Wed Wed Thu Thu Thu Thu Thu Thu
Time 13.00:15.00 13.00:15.00 12.45:15.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 18.45:21.15 18.45:21.00
Venue Guidance Learning Centre Inverurie Learning Centre Inverurie Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie
Students will need to provide their own art materials.
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
• NEW course •
Creative Textiles Techniques
Learn how to use hand and machine stitching for the purpose of manipulation, decoration and embellishments of paper and fabrics to inspire textiles. Course Ref Y5NCT-E122A Y5NCT-E122B
Method Taught Taught
Start 15-Jan-13 15-Jan-13
Fee: £194
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 15 12
Day Tue Tue
Time 19.00:21.00 18.30:21.00
Venue Guidance Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie
Students will need to provide their own materials, as advised by the tutor.
Digital Photography for Beginners Digital compact cameras offer the freedom to experiment with photography - making it easy to capture family shots, preserve your favourite memories or create your own photographic works of art. You will learn the basics of using a digital camera including how to control lighting and exposure. You will also be introduced to a variety of simple enhancements using Adobe Photoshop Elements. Course Ref Y5MDH-D121A Y5MDH-D121B Y5MDH-D121C Y5MDH-D121D Y5MDH-D121E Y5MDH-D121F Y5MDH-D122A Y5MDH-D122B Y5MDH-E121A Y5MDH-E121B Y5MDH-E121C Y5MDH-E121D Y5MDH-E121E Y5MDH-E122A
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Fee: £142
Qualification • COLL CERT/SQA
Start 29-Aug-12 29-Aug-12 29-Aug-12 30-Aug-12 4-Sep-12 5-Sep-12 14-Jan-13 15-Jan-13 27-Aug-12 29-Aug-12 4-Sep-12 4-Sep-12 6-Sep-12 16-Jan-13
Weeks 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Day Wed Wed Wed Thu Tue Wed Mon Tue Mon Wed Tue Tue Thu Wed
Time 09.30:11.30 09.15:11.15 14.00:16.00 11.45:13.45 13.00:15.00 13.00:15.00 13.00:15.00 14.15:16.15 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00
Venue Guidance Bucksburn Library Cults Library Kaimhill Library Aberdeen Central Library Learning Centre Inverurie Stonehaven Fire Station Learning Centre Inverurie Aberdeen Central Library Gallowgate Cults Library Learning Centre Inverurie Peterhead Fire Station Ellon Fire Station Gallowgate
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
Digital Photography: The Next Step Following on from beginners level, this course offers the opportunity to use advanced features of your camera and Adobe Photoshop Elements. Working with composition and exploring a variety of genres of photography you will begin to develop your own style and preferences. The digital editing introduces you to exploring layers, cloning and healing techniques which will allow you to mend old or imperfect images. Course Ref Y5MDN-D121A Y5MDN-D122A Y5MDN-D122B Y5MDN-D122C Y5MDN-D122D Y5MDN-D122E Y5MDN-D122F Y5MDN-D123A Y5MDN-D123B Y5MDN-E121A Y5MDN-E122A Y5MDN-E122B Y5MDN-E122C Y5MDN-E122D Y5MDN-E123A Y5MDN-E123B
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 30-Aug-12 28-Nov-12 28-Nov-12 28-Nov-12 29-Nov-12 4-Dec-12 5-Dec-12 15-Apr-13 16-Apr-13 3-Sep-12 26-Nov-12 28-Nov-12 4-Dec-12 6-Dec-12 12-Mar-13 17-Apr-13
Fee: £142
Qualification • COLL CERT/SQA
Weeks 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 9
Day Thu Wed Wed Wed Thu Tue Wed Mon Tue Mon Mon Wed Tue Thu Tue Wed
Time 09.30:11.30 09.30:11.30 09.15:11.15 14.00:16.00 11.45:13.45 13.00:15.00 13.00:15.00 13.00:15.30 14.15:16.30 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.15
Venue Guidance Aberdeen Central Library Bucksburn Library Cults Library Kaimhill Library Aberdeen Central Library Learning Centre Inverurie Stonehaven Fire Station Learning Centre Inverurie Aberdeen Central Library Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate Cults Library Peterhead Fire Station Ellon Fire Station Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
Digital Photography: Creative Images A digital single lens reflex (dSLR) and advanced compact cameras offer a great way to explore and extend your photographic creativity. Capturing creative images coupled with the introduction of some quite advanced digital editing techniques using Photoshop Elements. This course builds on and expands the knowledge from previous courses. Course Ref Y5MVM-D122A Y5MVM-D123A Y5MVM-D123B Y5MVM-D123C Y5MVM-D123D Y5MVM-D123E Y5MVM-D123F Y5MVM-E122A Y5MVM-E122B Y5MVM-E123A Y5MVM-E123B Y5MVM-E123C Y5MVM-E123D
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 29-Nov-12 6-Mar-13 6-Mar-13 6-Mar-13 7-Mar-13 12-Mar-13 13-Mar-13 3-Dec-12 4-Dec-12 4-Mar-13 6-Mar-13 12-Mar-13 14-Mar-13
Fee: £142
Qualification • COLL CERT/SQA
Weeks 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Day Thu Wed Wed Wed Thu Tue Wed Mon Tue Mon Wed Tue Thu
Time 09.30:11.30 09.30:11.30 09.15:11.15 14.00:16.00 11.45:13.45 13.00:15.00 13.00:15.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00
Venue Guidance Aberdeen Central Library Bucksburn Library Cults Library Kaimhill Library Aberdeen Central Library Learning Centre Inverurie Stonehaven Fire Station Learning Centre Inverurie Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate Cults Library Peterhead Fire Station Ellon Fire Station
Purely Photography Learn about the various functions of digital SLR or compact camera functions such as aperture settings and shutter speeds which will allow you to maximise the use of your camera and move away from the automatic settings. Very much a practical class you will be using your own camera to capture images to test the various settings available to you. Course Ref Y5MPG-D121A Y5MPG-D121B Y5MPG-D122A Y5MPG-D123A Y5MPG-E121A Y5MPG-E121B Y5MPG-E123A
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Fee: £142
Qualification • COLL CERT/SQA
Start 29-Aug-12 3-Sep-12 28-Nov-12 7-Mar-13 30-Aug-12 5-Sep-12 18-Apr-13
Weeks 10 10 10 10 10 10 9
Day Wed Mon Wed Thu Thu Wed Thu
Time 12.00:14.00 13.00:15.00 11.30:13.30 09.30:11.30 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.15
Venue Guidance Bucksburn Library Learning Centre Inverurie Cults Library Aberdeen Central Library Gallowgate Peterhead Fire Station Gallowgate
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
Purely Photoshop Aimed at individuals who are looking to enhance and edit their images using Adobe Photoshop Elements and who feel confident with the image capture side of digital photography, however would like to enhance their editing skills. Course Ref Y5MPH-D121A Y5MPH-D122A Y5MPH-D123A Y5MPH-E122A Y5MPH-E122B Y5MPH-E123A
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 28-Aug-12 28-Nov-12 6-Mar-13 16-Jan-13 17-Jan-13 11-Mar-13
Weeks 10 10 10 10 10 10
Fee: £142
Qualification • COLL CERT/SQA
Day Tue Wed Wed Wed Thu Mon
Time 14.15:16.15 12.00:14.00 11.30:13.30 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00
Venue Guidance Aberdeen Central Library Bucksburn Library Cults Library Peterhead Fire Station Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie
• NEW course •
Introduction to Dressmaking
This course is intended to provide learners, with an interest in fabric and fashion, basic sewing skills and an understanding of materials and textiles. Learn the skills needed to sew your own unique creations and clothes to customise your wardrobe. Course Ref Y5NDK-E121A Y5NDK-E122A
Method Taught Taught
Start 30-Aug-12 17-Jan-13
Fee: £194
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 15 15
Day Thu Thu
Time 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate
Introduction to Sewing and Textiles Sewing has re-emerged in the 21st Century as a fun art form and a great way to express one’s creativity in a very practical way. This course is intended to provide learners with an interest in fabric and fashion, basic sewing skills and an understanding of materials and textiles. Course Ref Y5NTX-E121A Y5NTX-E121B Y5NTX-E122A
Method Taught Taught Taught
Start 28-Aug-12 4-Sep-12 16-Jan-13
Fee: £194
Qualification • COLL CERT
Knitting and Crocheting for Beginners
Weeks 15 12 15
Day Tue Tue Wed
Time 19.00:21.00 18.30:21.00 19.00:21.00
Venue Guidance Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate
Students will need to provide their own materials, as advised by the tutor.
• NEW course •
Knitting and crocheting have experienced a revival on the catwalk in recent years. This course will introduce you to the basics of these hand skills enabling you to produce unique and cost effective garments and accessories to enhance your wardrobe. Course Ref Y5NKC-E121A Y5NKC-E122A
Method Taught Taught
Start 27-Aug-12 14-Jan-13
Fee: £194
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 15 15
Day Mon Mon
Time 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate
Students will need to provide their own materials, as advised by the tutor.
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
ARTS AND CRAFTS Costume Jewellery Making Explore the versatility of jewellery making using a variety of methods, materials and techniques. Recycle old costume jewellery to make new items to suit your outfit. Learn how to make bracelets, earrings, rings, necklaces, brooches and more and make your tired jewellery box come back to life. Course Ref Y5NJM-E123A Y5NJM-D123A
Method Taught Taught
Fee: £135
Qualification • COLL CERT
Discover Decoupage
Start 18-Apr-13 16-Apr-13
Weeks 8 8
Day Thu Tue
Time 18.45:21.15 09.30:12.00
Venue Guidance Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie
Students will need to provide their own materials, as advised by the tutor.
• NEW course •
Decoupage is the art of decorating an object by gluing coloured paper cut-outs onto it in combination with special paint effects, gold leaf and so on. This course will show you how to recycle and re-use old pictures, magazine cuttings etc. to create beautiful decorated items for storage or furniture to enhance your home. Course Ref Y5NDU-E121A
Method Taught
Start 27-Aug-12
Fee: £135
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 10
Day Mon
Time 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
Students will need to provide their own materials, as advised by the tutor.
Soft Furnishings: Curtains and Cushions Learn the basic techniques in simple curtain and cushion making including how to measure accurately and estimate fabrics, plan projects and be introduced to a range of decorative techniques. Course Ref Y5NUR-E123A
Method Taught
Start 15-Apr-13
Fee: £135
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 8
Day Mon
Time 18.45:21.15
Students will need to provide their own materials, as advised by the tutor.
Venue Gallowgate
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
• beauty • british sign language • business management
BEAUTY & HAIRDRESSING Aroma Massage Learn to combine the ancient power of essential oils and the healing touch of massage for a relaxing hobby or to lead to the first steps of training for a career in beauty therapy. It should be noted that this course is for interest only and does not sufficiently qualify learners for professional practice in Beauty or Complementary Therapies. Course Ref Y5NRG-D122A Y5NRG-D123A Y5NRG-E121A Y5NRG-E122A Y5NRG-E123A
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 3-Dec-12 11-Mar-13 27-Sep-12 29-Nov-12 7-Mar-13
Fee: £161
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 10 10 12 10 10
Day Mon Mon Thu Thu Thu
Time 09.30:12.00 13.00:15.30 19.00:21.30 19.00:21.30 19.00:21.30
Venue Guidance Learning Centre Inverurie Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate
Complete Facial Care A healthy radiant skin not only appears younger, but makes people feel better about themselves. Learn to how to care for your skin or treat family and friends with soothing, rejuvenating facials. It should be noted that this course is for interest only and does not sufficiently qualify learners for professional practice in Beauty or Complementary Therapies. Course Ref Y5NLC-E122A
Method Taught
Start 3-Dec-12
Fee: £161
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 10
Day Mon
Time 18.30:21.00
Venue Guidance Learning Centre Inverurie
Gent’s Haircutting This Level 2 Award in Hairdressing is suitable for people who have taken a level 2 or level 3 hairdressing qualification, and/or have been working in the industry and are looking to accredit their skills and knowledge. Learners will increase their knowledge of haircutting and be introduced to some new skills and techniques. During the course you are required to bring models to class to complete men’s cutting services. Your models will be charged a small fee. You will also require a basic hairdressing kit (approx £100) and also may be required to provide towels for your models depending on delivery location. A suggested kit list will be provided as you may already have these items. Course Ref Y5QGH
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £462
Qualification • C&G
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
Guidance 3
• NEW course •
Creative Colouring
This Level 3 Award in Hairdressing is suitable for people who have taken a level 2 or level 3 hairdressing qualification, and/or have been working in the industry and are looking to accredit their skills and knowledge. You will be required to bring models to class to complete colour services. Your models will be charged a small fee. You will require a basic hairdressing kit (approx. £125) and also may be required to provide towels for your models depending on delivery location. A suggested kit list will be provided as you may already have these items. Course Ref Y5QCC
Method Start Register your Interest
Fee: £646
Qualification • C&G
Weeks Day Time Venue
Guidance 3
Indian Head Massage Indian Head Massage is a relaxation technique that has been practiced for thousands of years. This alternative therapy is said to release stress, headaches and even prevent hair loss. Learners will be introduced to basic anatomy and physiology of the skull and scalp as it relates to massage techniques and the benefits of treatment. It should be noted that this course is for interest only and does not sufficiently qualify learners for professional practice in Beauty or Complementary Therapies. Course Ref Y5NIH-D121A Y5NIH-D123A Y5NIH-E121A Y5NIH-E122A
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 3-Sep-12 11-Mar-13 28-Aug-12 27-Nov-12
Fee: £161
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 10 10 10 10
Day Mon Mon Tue Tue
Time 13.00:15.30 09.30:12.00 19.00:21.30 19.00:21.30
Venue Guidance Learning Centre Inverurie Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate Gallowgate
Make-up Made Easy
Well-applied make-up can communicate confidence and style and increase personal and professional success. Learn how to extract inner beauty by enhancing outer beauty. Develop your understanding of effective facial skin care and learning skills in the application of makeup to enhance your own beauty routine. This course is for interest only and does not sufficiently qualify learners for professional practice in Beauty or Complementary Therapies. Course Ref Y5NMP-E123A Y5NMP-E123B
Method Taught Taught
Start 6-Mar-13 11-Mar-13
Fee: £161
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 10 10
Day Wed Mon
Time 19.00:21.30 18.30:21.00
Venue Guidance Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie
Manicure and Pedicure
Manicure and pedicure treatments are a great means of relaxation and can help increase confidence and self-esteem. Learn the basics of hand nail and foot nail care, basic anatomy and physiology of the hand and foot nails, apply the basic techniques of massage and nail polishing. This course is for interest only and does not sufficiently qualify learners for professional practice in Beauty or Complementary Therapies. Course Ref Y5NUU-E121A Y5NUU-E121B
Method Taught Taught
Fee: £161
Qualification • COLL CERT
Start 29-Aug-12 3-Sep-12
Weeks 10 10
Day Wed Mon
Time 19.00:21.30 18.30:21.00
Venue Guidance Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
Nail Art
• NEW course •
This course will show you basic nail art techniques to enhance your hands and feet and release your creative side. This course is for interest only and does not sufficiently qualify learners for professional practice in Beauty or Complementary Therapies. Course Ref Y5NRT-E122A
Method Taught
Start 28-Nov-12
Fee: £214
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 10
Day Wed
Time 19.00:21.30
Venue Gallowgate
Reflexology: An Introduction
Learn the essential knowledge of stress reduction and relaxation using basic reflexology techniques. The course covers basic leg and foot massage combined with reflexology techniques for personal use. This personal interest course is for students who would like to develop their understanding of the techniques and practises used in reflexology. This course is for interest only and does not sufficiently qualify learners for professional practice in Beauty or Complementary Therapies. Course Ref Y5NRX-D121A Y5NRX-D122A Y5NRX-E123A
Method Taught Taught Taught
Start 3-Sep-12 3-Dec-12 5-Mar-13
Fee: £161
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 10 10 10
Day Mon Mon Tue
Time 09.30:12.00 13.00:15.30 19.00:21.30
Venue Guidance Learning Centre Inverurie Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate
BRITISH SIGN LANGUAGE British Sign Language: An Introduction
Learn to use British Sign Language to establish social relations, transact the business of everyday living and to understand presentations for information, pleasure and vocational needs. This introductory course includes skills to exchange personal information with users of British Sign Language; obtain and provide goods and services and understand simple presentations in everyday and informal social situations. Course Ref Y3MSL-E122A Y3MSL-E121A
Method Taught Taught
Start 15-Jan-13 29-Aug-12
Fee: £93
Qualification • NAT UNIT
Weeks 15 15
Day Tue Wed
Time 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate
Weeks 15 15
Day Thu Wed
Time 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate
British Sign Language (Intermediate 1) This course follows on from the introductory level. Course Ref Y3MSM-E121A Y3MSM-E122A
Method Taught Taught
Start 30-Aug-12 16-Jan-13
Fee: £93
Qualification • NAT UNIT
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
British Sign Language (Intermediate 2)
• NEW course •
This course enables learners to build their use of British Sign Language (BSL) to establish social and business relations, transact the business of everyday living and to understand presentations for information, pleasure and vocational needs and is a progression from the Intermediate 1 course. Course Ref Y3MSN-E122A Y3MSN-E121A
Method Taught Taught
Start 17-Jan-13 28-Aug-12
Fee: £178
Qualification • NAT UNIT
Weeks 15 15
Day Thu Tue
Time 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate
BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Award in Conflict Management
This award will enable learners to identify the characteristics of anger and develop understanding of different ways to deal with conflict. Learners will be able to apply the knowledge and understanding to improve behaviour. Course Ref Y2NCM-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £310
Qualification • EDI
Business Management Certificate This course is designed for learners wishing to understand the principles of managing themselves, resources, people and the legal framework that exists. This is suitable for those involved in managing staff and general managers with responsibility for a small organisation. Course Ref Y2NBC-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £310
Qualification • EDI
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
Business Marketing Certificate
This course is designed for learners who want to be able to market their business more profitably and is suitable for people involved in marketing to businesses and general managers with responsibility for a small organisation. The course provides an in depth knowledge of marketing, advertising and promoting a business. Course Ref Y2NBM-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £310
Qualification • EDI
HNC Administration and Information Technology This is the first part of the HNC Administration and Information Technology and covers 6 HN credits (12 credits are required for the HNC). These units are assessed on a continuous basis, Course work takes the form of essays, reports, presentations, case studies and practical projects. This course is suitable for those with Highers, or have successfully completed a non-advanced College course. Course Ref B2CI-E121A
Method Taught
Start 4-Sep-12
Fee: £640* (See page 10 for additional fee information)
Weeks 35
Day Tue/Thu
Time 18.00:21.15
Venue Gallowgate
Qualification • HNC Year 1
HNC Administration and Information Technology
This is the second part of the HNC Administration and Information Technology and covers 6 HN credits (12 credits are required for the HNC). These units are assessed on a continuous basis, Course work takes the form of essays, reports, presentations, case studies and practical projects. This course is designed for those who have completed year 1 of the HNC programme. Course Ref B2CI-E122A
Method Taught
Start 4-Sep-12
Weeks 35
Fee: £640
Qualification • HNC Year 2
Day Tue/Thu
Time 18.00:21.15
Venue Gallowgate
Guidance 3
Office Administration Learn how to be an effective and efficient administrator. Suitable for those seeking employment in administrative posts or those already employed. Course Ref Y2UOD-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £126 (Includes SQA registration)*
Qualification • HN UNIT
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
• care studies • computing/information technology • creative cusine & cake decorating
CARE STUDIES Award in Mental Health Awareness (Level 1)
• NEW course •
This qualification aims to raise awareness of issues surrounding mental health, dispel some of the myths and misconceptions frequently linked to mental health issues and develop awareness of the rights of those with mental health issues. Course Ref Y2NML-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £100
Qualification • NCFE
Award in Nutrition and Health (Level 2)
• NEW course •
Intended for learners who are interested in improving their understanding of nutrition and dietary choices and their role in improving and maintaining health and wellbeing. Course Ref Y2NTH-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £220
Qualification • NCFE
Certificate in Counselling Skills (Level 2)
• NEW course •
An introduction to the use of counselling skills in all life environments and some of the approaches that underpin the use of these skills. Course Ref Y2NCG-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £290
Qualification • NCFE
Certificate in Dementia Awareness (Level 2) This course aims to provide learners with an understanding of dementia, promoting the application of person centred principles to everyday care activities. Course Ref Y2NAW-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £315
Qualification • NCFE
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
Certificate in Diabetes Awareness (Level 3) This course aims to support those working in the health and care sector who wish to increase their awareness in diabetes in order to support their clients. It outlines the principles of diabetes and also discusses how to manage the condition with diet, exercise and attitude. Course Ref Y2NDB-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £315
Qualification • NCFE
Certificate in Drugs Awareness This course is designed to introduce the student to the area of drug use and misuse. It will also provide the student with the basic knowledge required to progress to a higher-level qualification. Course Ref Y2NDA-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £313
Qualification • EDI
Certificate in Provision of Activities in a Care Setting (Level 2)
• NEW course •
This course aims to focus awareness on the care of elderly people that puts the individual at the core of any activity. It promotes the awareness of the therapeutic values of activities for elderly people and increases the ability to organise and participate in activities that enhance their lives. Course Ref Y2NAS-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £315
Qualification • NCFE
Certificate in Understanding Palliative Care (Level 3) This course is aimed at anyone seeking to increase their knowledge of palliative care in a vocational setting. Topics covered include: understanding palliative care, applying a “whole person” approach to palliative care, supporting a person with their physical care needs, care during the final hours of life and bereavement care. Course Ref Y2NPC-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £290
Qualification • NCFE
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Infections (Intermediate 2)
Develop knowledge and understanding of the ways in which HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C are spread and ways of preventing this spread. This course will provide you with knowledge about the signs, symptoms and possible progression of each infection. Course Ref Y2MH-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £98
Qualification • NAT UNIT
ICS Drink & Drugs Misuse (One day course) This course is aimed at employers and employees who wish to educate their workforce about the potential impact of substance misuse. Course Ref Y5NDD
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £82
Qualification • ICS
ICS Infection Control (One day course)
This course is aimed at both new and experienced employees in a social or health care environment. Learners will gain an understanding of infection control and the chain of infection, equipping employees with the appropriate measures to deal with these issues. Course Ref Y5NIC
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £82
Qualification • ICS
Improving Personal Exercise, Health and Nutrition (Level 2)
• NEW course •
This course is designed for those who wish to learn how to improve their personal skills and well-being by introducing them to the importance of health and wellbeing and how to improve in this area. Course Ref Y2NEN-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £275
Qualification • NCFE
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
You’re not even sure how to turn a computer on, let alone organise your desktop. Windows are for letting in the sun, not for organising files, and a mouse is a rodent, not a useful tool. If this is you - Computing for the Complete Beginner is for you. There is no better way to overcome your fear of technology and take your first step into the world of computers. You’ll complete this course with a new confidence and the ability to make computers work for your needs. Course Ref Y5MGN-D121A Y5MGN-D121B Y5MGN-D121C Y5MGN-D121D Y5MGN-D121E Y5MGN-D121F Y5MGN-D121G Y5MGN-D121H Y5MGN-D122A Y5MGN-D122B Y5MGN-D122C Y5MGN-D122D Y5MGN-D123A Y5MGN-D123B Y5MGN-D123C Y5MGN-D123D Y5MGN-E121A Y5MGN-E121B
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 27-Aug-12 27-Aug-12 27-Aug-12 28-Aug-12 3-Sep-12 4-Sep-12 4-Sep-12 5-Sep-12 14-Jan-13 14-Jan-13 15-Jan-13 16-Jan-13 4-Mar-13 13-Mar-13 15-Apr-13 18-Apr-13 29-Aug-12 3-Sep-12
Fee: £142
Qualification • COLL CERT/SQA
Weeks 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 10 10
Day Mon Mon Mon Tue Mon Tue Tue Wed Mon Mon Tue Wed Mon Wed Mon Thu Wed Mon
Time 9.15:11.15 9.30:11.30 9.30:11.30 14.00:16.00 09.30:11.30 09.30:11.30 13.00:15.00 09.30:11.30 11.45:13.45 13.00:15.00 13.00:15.00 13.00:15.00 14.00:16.00 09.30:11.30 12.45:15.00 12.45:15.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00
Venue Guidance Cults Library Bucksburn Library Aberdeen Central Library Kaimhill Library Learning Centre Inverurie Stonehaven Fire Station Peterhead Fire Station Ellon Fire Station Aberdeen Central Library Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie Peterhead Fire Station Aberdeen Central Library Peterhead Fire Station Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
Computing: Next Step (Word and Excel)
Computers aren’t completely baffling to you, but you know you still have a long way to go. Computing: Next Step provides the training you need to be not only confident, but successful in your computing efforts. This may be the first step towards a new career or a promotion. Maybe you just want to discover what you’ve been missing out on. Whatever your aims, you’ll benefit from your broad range of new computer skills. Course Ref Y5MDX-D122A Y5MDX-D122B Y5MDX-D122C Y5MDX-D122D Y5MDX-D122E Y5MDX-D122F Y5MDX-D122G Y5MDX-D122H Y5MDX-D123A Y5MDX-D123B Y5MDX-D123C Y5MDX-D123D Y5MDX-E122A Y5MDX-E122B
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 26-Nov-12 26-Nov-12 26-Nov-12 27-Nov-12 3-Dec-12 4-Dec-12 4-Dec-12 5-Dec-12 15-Apr-13 15-Apr-13 16-Apr-13 17-Apr-13 28-Nov-12 3-Dec-12
Fee: £142
Qualification • COLL CERT/SQA
Weeks 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 9 8 10 10
Day Mon Mon Mon Tue Mon Tue Tue Wed Mon Mon Tue Wed Wed Mon
Time 09.15:11.15 09.30:11.30 09.30:11.30 14.00:16.00 09.30:11.30 09.30:11.30 13.00:15.00 09.30:11.30 12.45:15.00 11.45:13.45 12.45:15.00 13.00:15.30 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00
Venue Guidance Cults Library Bucksburn Library Aberdeen Central Library Kaimhill Library Learning Centre Inverurie Stonehaven Fire Station Peterhead Fire Station Ellon Fire Station Gallowgate Aberdeen Central Library Learning Centre Inverurie Peterhead Fire Station Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie
Internet and Email for Beginners Are you ready to surf the web and communicate with the online community? Internet and Email for Beginners will push you to the next level. On course completion you will be confident in using the internet and communicating via email. You’ll gain the basic skills you need to be surefooted as you move forward in your computing pursuits. Course Ref Y5MMN-D121A Y5MMN-D121B Y5MMN-D121C Y5MMN-D121D Y5MMN-D121E Y5MMN-D121F Y5MMN-D121G Y5MMN-D122A Y5MMN-D123A Y5MMN-D123B Y5MMN-D123C Y5MMN-D123D Y5MMN-D123E Y5MMN-D123F Y5MMN-D123G Y5MMN-D123H Y5MMN-E121A Y5MMN-E123A Y5MMN-E123B Y5MMN-E123C
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Fee: £142
Qualification • COLL CERT/SQA
Start 27-Aug-12 27-Aug-12 27-Aug-12 30-Aug-12 3-Sep-12 4-Sep-12 5-Sep-12 16-Jan-13 4-Mar-13 4-Mar-13 4-Mar-13 5-Mar-13 11-Mar-13 12-Mar-13 12-Mar-13 13-Mar-13 30-Aug-12 6-Mar-13 7-Mar-13 11-Mar-13
Weeks 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Day Mon Mon Mon Thu Mon Tue Wed Wed Mon Mon Mon Tue Mon Tue Tue Wed Thu Wed Thu Mon
Time 12.00:14.00 14.00:16.00 11.30:13.30 14.00:16.00 13.00:15.00 13.00:15.00 09.30:11.30 13.00:15.00 09.15:11.15 09.30:11.30 09.30:11.30 14.00:16.00 09.30:11.30 09.30:11.30 13.00:15.00 09.30:11.30 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00
Venue Guidance Bucksburn Library Aberdeen Central Library Cults Library Kaimhill Library Learning Centre Inverurie Stonehaven Fire Station Peterhead Fire Station Ellon Fire Station Cults Library Aberdeen Central Library Bucksburn Library Kaimhill Library Learning Centre Inverurie Stonehaven Fire Station Peterhead Fire Station Ellon Fire Station Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
• NEW course •
Internet and Email: Next Step
Learn how to use the internet to find information and communicate with friends and family for free. Create an email account and learn to use popular social network websites. Course Ref Y5MMS-D122A Y5MMS-D122B Y5MMS-D122C Y5MMS-D122D Y5MMS-D122E Y5MMS-D122F Y5MMS-D123A Y5MMS-E122A
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 5-Dec-12 14-Jan-13 17-Jan-13 26-Nov-12 26-Nov-12 4-Dec-12 17-Apr-13 29-Nov-12
Fee: £142
Qualification • COLL CERT/SQA
Weeks 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9
Day Wed Mon Thu Mon Mon Tue Wed Thu
Time 09.30:11.30 13.00:15.00 14.00:16.00 14.00:16.00 11.30:13.30 13.00:15.00 13.00:15.15 19.00:21.15
Venue Guidance Peterhead Fire Station Learning Centre Inverurie Kaimhill Library Aberdeen Central Library Cults Library Stonehaven Fire Station Ellon Fire Station Gallowgate
Introduction to ECDL Attaining a European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) is the best way to ensure you have all the necessary computing qualifications for any workplace. However, if your computing experience is limited, you might not feel ready to take the full plunge into ECDL. This short introductory course is the perfect way to effectively prepare learners for the main components of the ECDL qualification. This course is delivered using Microsoft Office 2007. Course Ref Y5NUL-D121A Y5NUL-D121B Y5NUL-D121C Y5NUL-D122A Y5NUL-E122A
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 27-Aug-12 28-Aug-12 5-Sep-12 16-Jan-13 14-Jan-13
Fee: £135
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 10 10 10 10 10
Day Mon Tue Wed Wed Mon
Time 13.00:15.00 12.00:14.00 09.30:11.30 09.30:11.30 19.00:21.00
Venue Guidance Gallowgate Aberdeen Central Library Learning Centre Inverurie Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate
ECDL Advanced qualifications equip you to be competent and efficient in a range of applications, either to advance in your career or to become more effective in your current role. This module in advanced database, will be delivered using Microsoft Office 2007. Course Ref Y2NAB-O121A
Method Self Study
Start Weeks Day Time Venue 1-Aug-12
Fee: £126
Qualification • BCS
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
Guidance 3
Advanced ECDL: Presentations 2007 This module in advanced presentations gives you a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of presentation creation and management and will be delivered using Microsoft Office 2007. Course Ref Y2NAR-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £126
Qualification • BCS
Guidance 3
Advanced ECDL: Spreadsheets 2007 This module in advanced spreadsheets gives you a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of spreadsheet creation and management and will be delivered using Microsoft Office 2007. Course Ref Y2NAX-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £126
Qualification • BCS
Guidance 3
Advanced ECDL: Word Processing 2007 This module in advanced word processing gives you a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of creating and managing various documents and will be delivered using Microsoft Office 2007. Course Ref Y2NAD-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £126
Qualification • BCS
Guidance 3
ECDL: Module 1 Security for the IT User & Module 7 using Email & Internet Discover how to use e-mail software to send and receive messages, to attach files to mail messages, to use the Internet in a safe manner and how to protect yourself and your data from a range of fraudulent/malicious activities online. Course Ref Y3NUA-E121A Y3NUA-E121B B3NSL-E121A Y3NUA-D121A Y3NUA-D121B Y3NUA-D121C Y3NUA-D121D B3NSL-D123A Y3NUA-E121C Y3NUA-D121E
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Fee: £84
Qualification • BCS
Start 3-Sep-12 3-Sep-12 28-Aug-12 28-Aug-12 28-Aug-12 4-Sep-12 4-Sep-12 17-Apr-13 5-Sep-12 5-Sep-12
Weeks 7 7 6 7 7 7 7 6 7 7
Day Mon Mon Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Wed Wed Wed
Time 18.30:21.00 18.30:21.00 18.30:21.30 09.15:11.45 09.30:12.00 09.30:12.00 09.30:12.00 09.15:12.15 18.30:21.00 09.30:12.00
Venue Guidance Ellon Fire Station Stonehaven Fire Station Gallowgate Aberdeen Central Library Kaimhill Library Learning Centre Inverurie Peterhead Fire Station Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie Stonehaven Fire Station
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
ECDL: Module 2 IT User Fundamentals & Module 6 Presentations Learn how to use the common functions of a personal computer and its operating system including how to operate effectively within the desktop environment and how to manage and organise files and directories/folders. Course Ref Y3NUB-E121A Y3NUB-E121B Y3NUB-D121B Y3NUB-D121A Y3NUB-D121C Y3NUB-D121D B3NRS-E122A B3NRS-D121A Y3NUB-D121E Y3NUB-E121C
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 5-Nov-12 5-Nov-12 30-Oct-12 6-Nov-12 30-Oct-12 6-Nov-12 15-Jan-13 12-Sep-12 7-Nov-12 7-Nov-12
Fee: £84
Qualification • BCS
Weeks 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 7 7
Day Mon Mon Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Wed Wed Wed
Time 18.30:21.00 18.30:21.00 09.15:11.45 09.30:12.00 09.30:12.00 09.30:12.00 18.30:21.30 09.15:12.15 09.30:12.00 18.30:21.00
Venue Guidance Ellon Fire Station Stonehaven Fire Station Aberdeen Central Library Learning Centre Inverurie Kaimhill Library Peterhead Fire Station Gallowgate Gallowgate Stonehaven Fire Station Learning Centre Inverurie
ECDL: Module 3 Word Processing This module enables candidates to demonstrate the ability to use a word processing application to accomplish everyday tasks associated with creating, formatting and finishing small-sized word processing documents such as letters and other everyday documents. Course Ref Y3NUC-E122A Y3NUC-E122B Y3NUC-D122B Y3NUC-D122A Y3NUC-D122C Y3NUC-D122D B3NEW-D121A Y3NUC-D122E Y3NUC-E122C B3NEW-E121A
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 14-Jan-13 14-Jan-13 15-Jan-13 15-Jan-13 15-Jan-13 15-Jan-13 31-Oct-12 16-Jan-13 16-Jan-13 9-Oct-12
Fee: £59
Qualification • BCS
Weeks 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 5
Day Mon Mon Tue Tue Tue Tue Wed Wed Wed Tue
Time 18.30:21.00 18.30:21.00 09.15:11.45 09.30:12.00 09.30:12.00 09.30:12.00 09.15:12.15 09.30:12.00 18.30:21.00 18.30:21.30
Venue Guidance Ellon Fire Station Stonehaven Fire Station Aberdeen Central Library Learning Centre Inverurie Kaimhill Library Peterhead Fire Station Gallowgate Stonehaven Fire Station Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
ECDL: Module 4 Spreadsheets This module enables candidates to understand the concept of spreadsheets and to demonstrate the ability to use a spreadsheet application. This includes developing, formatting and modifying spreadsheets. Course Ref Y3NUD-E123A Y3NUD-E123B Y3NUD-D123B Y3NUD-D123A Y3NUD-D123C Y3NUD-D123D B3NES-E122A B3NES-D122A Y3NUD-D123E Y3NUD-E123C
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 4-Mar-13 11-Mar-13 5-Mar-13 12-Mar-13 5-Mar-13 5-Mar-13 20-Nov-12 9-Jan-13 13-Mar-13 13-Mar-13
Fee: £59
Qualification • BCS
Weeks 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 6
Day Mon Mon Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Wed Wed Wed
Time 18.30:21.00 18.30:21.00 09.15:11.45 09.30:12.00 09.30:12.00 09.30:12.00 18.30:21.30 09.15:12.15 09.30:12.00 18.30:21.00
Venue Guidance Ellon Fire Station Stonehaven Fire Station Aberdeen Central Library Learning Centre Inverurie Kaimhill Library Peterhead Fire Station Gallowgate Gallowgate Stonehaven Fire Station Learning Centre Inverurie
ECDL: Module 5 Databases This module enables candidates to understand some of the main concepts of databases and deMonstrate the ability to use a database application. This includes creating and modifying tables, queries, forms and reports, and preparing outputs ready for distribution. Course Ref Y3NUE-E124A Y3NUE-E124C Y3NUE-D124B Y3NUE-D124A Y3NUE-D124C Y3NUE-D124D B3NED-E123A B3NED-D123A Y3NUE-D124E Y3NUE-E124B
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Fee: £59
Qualification • BCS
Start 6-May-13 13-May-13 7-May-13 7-May-13 7-May-13 7-May-13 26-Feb-13 13-Feb-13 15-May-13 8-May-13
Weeks 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 6
Day Mon Mon Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Wed Wed Wed
Time 18.30:21.00 18.30:21.00 09.15:11.45 09.30:12.00 09.30:12.00 09.30:12.00 18.30:21.30 09.15:12.15 09.30:12.00 18.30:21.00
Venue Guidance Ellon Fire Station Stonehaven Fire Station Aberdeen Central Library Learning Centre Inverurie Kaimhill Library Peterhead Fire Station Gallowgate Gallowgate Stonehaven Fire Station Learning Centre Inverurie
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
European Computer Driving Licence 2007
The ECDL is an internationally recognised vocational qualification which is recognised by employers as proof of ability and competence when working with IT. There are no formal entry requirements for this course but it is assumed that students will have basic computer knowledge. In order to gain the qualification, students are required to complete a total of seven modules and their associated assessments. The course is a self-study course where you will receive materials relating to all seven modules including word processing, security for IT users and database software. Once you have finished a module, you have the option of completing the assessment at no additional cost. The completion of all seven assessments will gain you the ECDL qualification. Please note that on sitting your first assessment there will be a registration fee of £30 which is payable to the British Computer Society. Any re-sits are charged at £15. Course Ref Y2NEU-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £260
Qualification • BCS
IT in Business: Databases This unit will introduce the database as a tool to help store, process and produce information in such a way as to be relevant to a manager in assisting with management decision-making. Course Ref Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Guidance Y2UDB-O121A Self Study Fee: £126 (Includes SQA registration)* Qualification • HN UNITS/SQA
IT in Business: Spreadsheets This unit focuses on the skill of designing a spreadsheet to solve a business problem. It introduces the features and functions of a spreadsheet for practical and effective use in an office environment. Course Ref Y2UIH-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £126 (Includes SQA registration)*
Qualification • HN UNIT
IT in Business: Word Processing and Presentations This unit is designed to develop the skills and knowledge required to effectively use word processing and presentation packages to aid business communication. Course Ref Y2UIB-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £228 (Includes SQA registration)*
Qualification • HN UNIT
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
IT in Business: Advanced Databases Learn how to create and use databases within a business environment. This unit focuses on maintaining and enhancing the accuracy and integrity of data held electronically. Course Ref Y2UAD-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £126 (Includes SQA registration)*
Qualification • HN UNIT
IT in Business: Advanced Spreadsheets This unit focuses on the skills and knowledge required to manipulate a spreadsheet package in order to solve business problems. Course Ref Y2USH-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £126 (Includes SQA registration)*
Qualification • HN UNIT
The goal of CISCO CCNA 2 of Semester 2, students will have an understanding of routers and routing including: router user interfaces; components and configurations; basics of IOS versions; naming and software backup; TCP/IP Protocol Suite and IP addressing and subnetting Interior routing protocols; RIP IGRP and Access Control Lists (ACLs). Course Ref B4NSM-E121A
Method Taught
Start 4-Sep-12
Fee: £280
Qualification • CISCO
Weeks 15
Day Tue/Thu
Time 18.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
Guidance 3
CISCO Exploration Semester 3
The goal of CISCO CCNA Semester 3, students will develop an understanding of switching and intermediate routing including: switching and VLANs; classless routing; spanning; tree protocol; routing and routing Protocols OSPF, EIGRP; network documentation, security and troubleshooting. Course Ref B4NSS-E122A
Method Taught
Fee: £280
Qualification • CISCO
Start 15-Jan-13
Weeks 15
Day Time Tue/Thu - 18.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
Guidance 3
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
HNC Computing (Year 1) The HNC Computing course aims to equip students with the skills required to follow a career within the computing field. Our HNC course will provide you with a good grounding in computing principles, with particular reference to the analysis, design and implementation of Computing Systems. This course has been designed to enable you to study part time, to achieve an HNC in Computing. This is a suitable choice if you are seeking a career in Information Technology, looking to improve your computing knowledge and skills, or want to gain a nationally recognised qualification in the computing field. This is part one of a two year course. Course Ref B4CC-D121A
Method Taught
Start 30-Aug-12
Fee: £730* (See page 10 for additional fee information)
Weeks 37
Day Thu
Time 09.00:16.30
Venue Gallowgate
Guidance 3
Venue Gallowgate
Qualification • HNC Year 1
HNC Computing (Year 2)
Course Ref B4CC-D122A
Method Taught
Fee: £525
Qualification • HNC Year 2
OFFICE 365 for End Users
Start 30-Aug-12
Weeks 19
Day Thu
Time 09.00:16.30
• NEW course •
This course is aimed at users whom have had no previous exposure to the SharePoint Online 2010 system, or for users who are coming new to SharePoint Online. It is designed for non-technical users who will view, edit and contribute content to a SharePoint site. Course Ref Y2NDU-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £150
Qualification • COLL CERT
OFFICE 365 Public Website Design
Guidance 3
• NEW course •
This course is ideal for anyone who wants to learn about building an Office 365 public website. Microsoft Office 365 offers the Website Design Tool for the Office 365 public website content creation and this course will show you clearly and without confusing jargon how to build a complete public website within Office 365. Course Ref Y2NPW-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £85
Qualification • COLL CERT
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
Guidance 3
• NEW course •
OFFICE 365 Sharepoint Online - Advanced Users
This course is aimed at users who have some basic experience of using the SharePoint Online 2010 system, or for users who have completed the Office 365 SharePoint Online for End Users course. Course Ref Y2NSA-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £160
Qualification • COLL CERT
OFFICE 365 Sharepoint Online - End Users
Guidance 3
• NEW course •
This course will enable learners to use cloud computing with Office 365 to collaborate and work more flexibly. The course includes how to administer the Office 365 account and work with various Office 365 programmes to share files within the team, use Office Web Applications, conduct online meetings and work offline. Course Ref Y2NSD-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £160
Qualification • COLL CERT
Guidance 3
Develop skills in good PC maintenance, hardware problem solving and develop safe and secure practices online and offline. Course Ref Y5NRM-D122A Y5NRM-D122B Y5NRM-E121A
Method Taught Taught Taught
Start 27-Nov-12 17-Jan-13 28-Aug-12
Fee: £135
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 10 10 10
Day Tue Thu Tue
Time 12.00:14.00 09.30:11.30 19.00:21.00
Venue Guidance Aberdeen Central Library Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate
Computer Hardware (Installation and Maintenance) This course is designed to introduce candidates to the inner workings of computer hardware. You’ll learn how to troubleshoot a PC and how to identify and fix both hardware and software errors. You’ll find out how to install new components and upgrade existing systems and gain knowledge about computer networks and how to protect PCs from viruses. Course Ref B4NHI-E121A B4NHI-E122A
Method Taught Taught
Fee: £78
Qualification • COLL CERT
Start 3-Oct-12 8-Jan-13
Weeks 9 9
Day Wed Tue
Time 18.00:21.00 18.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
This course is designed to introduce learners to basic web design principles, basic HTML, use a HTML editor and Adobe Dreamweaver to create and publish a personal website. By the end of this course you will be competent in producing basic websites. Course Ref
Guidance B3NIW-E122A B3NIW-E122B
Taught Taught
13-Nov-12 14-Nov-12
9 9
Tue Wed
18.00:21.15 18.00:21.15
Gallowgate Gallowgate
Fee: £68
Qualification • COLL CERT
Intermediate Web Design This course builds on the skills developed on the Introductory course. It will teach learners how to layout web pages, enhance photographs using Adobe Photoshop and basic animation using Adobe Flash. There are no formal entry requirements for this course though a basic knowledge of Web design would be an advantage. Course Ref
Guidance B3NTW-E123A B3NTW-E123B
Taught Taught
29-Jan-13 30-Jan-13
9 9
Tue Wed
18.00:21.15 18.00:21.15
Gallowgate Gallowgate
Fee: £68
Qualification • COLL CERT
Advanced Web Design (e-commerce)
This course is designed to build on the skills developed on the Intermediate Web Design Course. It will equip you with skills to build an interactive website that will allow people to purchase products/services and to allow you to become familiar with e-commerce. Although there are no formal qualifications required to enrol for this course, web design familiarity is required, plus basic Adobe Dreamweaver familiarity. This is not a course for beginners. Course Ref
Guidance B3NWD-E123A
Fee: £68
Qualification • COLL CERT
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
Certificate in Web Design Ideal for anyone who wants to learn about building websites. The course shows you clearly and without confusing jargon how to build a complete website. You are taken step by step through each stage from starting with an Introduction to the Internet through stages such as building your home page, product pages and even an online store and concluding with publishing your website on the internet. Course Ref Y2NWE-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £313
Qualification • EDI
Guidance 3
CUSTOMER CARE ICS Effective Customer Care (One day course) This course is aimed at all employees who provide a first line service to customers, whether face-to-face or over the phone. It is designed to make staff more customer focused in the way they work. Course Ref Y5NCC
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £82
Qualification • NCFE
ICS Equality & Diversity (One day course) This course is ideal for managers at any level, or anyone about to move into management who require underpinning knowledge around treating people fairly and equally in the workplace. Course Ref Y5NED
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £82
Qualification • NCFE
Certificate in Customer Service Knowledge (level 2)
• NEW course •
This qualification is for anyone working (or looking at working) in a customer service setting. It will give learners the knowledge they need to provide an excellent service to customers. Course Ref Y2NCO-0121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £290
Qualification • NCFE
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
CREATIVE CUISINE & CAKE DECORATING Cake Decoration for Beginners
This course will introduce you to some of the equipment used in cake decorating and sugar craft. You will also have the opportunity to explore and experiment with a range of different cake decoration techniques suitable for any celebration or occasion. Course Ref Y5NKD-E121A Y5NKD-E123A
Method Taught Taught
Fee: £135
Qualification • COLL CERT
Cake Decoration: Next Step
Start 30-Aug-12 7-Mar-13
Weeks 10 10
Day Thu Thu
Time 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate
Core ingredients to be provided by students, advised by tutor on weekly basis.
• NEW course •
Create goodies for any celebration or occasion. This course will introduce you to some more advanced techniques of cake decoration and sugar craft. Course Ref Y5NKN-E122A
Method Taught
Start 29-Nov-12
Fee: £135
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 10
Day Thu
Time 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
Core ingredients to be provided by students, advised by tutor on weekly basis.
Creative Cup Cakes This course will show you how to make and decorate tasty unique cupcakes. Bake perfect cupcakes every time and how to decorate and embellish your cupcakes with beautiful decorations for every occasion. Course Ref Y5NAK-E121A Y5NAK-E121B Y5NAK-E122A
Method Taught Taught Taught
Start 29-Aug-12 31-Oct-12 16-Jan-13
Fee: £101
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 6 6 6
Day Wed Wed Wed
Time 18.30:21.00 18.30:21.00 18.30:21.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate
Core ingredients to be provided by students, advised by tutor on weekly basis.
Perfect Pastries If you find making pastry a challenge, then this course is for you. You will learn the secrets of making first class pastry. Once you have learned to make some classic pastries, you can use them to create endless sweet and savoury dishes. Course Ref Y5NPR-E123A
Method Taught
Start 28-Jan-13
Fee: £135
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 8
Day Mon
Time 18.30:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
Traditional Home Baking Everyone loves home baked cakes and we will teach you how to make a lovely selection of traditional home bakes during this 10 week course. This course is aimed at beginners with a sweet tooth and a passion for home-cooking. You will have the opportunity to bake and decorate a selection of home bakes. Course Ref Y5NHB-E123A
Method Taught
Fee: £135
Qualification • COLL CERT
Start 15-Apr-13
Weeks 8
Day Mon
Time 18.30:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
Core ingredients to be provided by students, advised by tutor on weekly basis.
• education & childcare • engineering • esol
EDUCATION AND CHILDCARE Children and Young People with Additional Support Needs
This course is designed to enable you to examine the agencies and professionals including the early education and childcare professionals who may be involved in offering support to the child with additional support needs, the family, and significant others. It is designed to enable you also to have an understanding of the conditions experienced by children and young people (0 - 12 Years) which lead to additional support needs. Course Ref Y2UCY-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £126 (Includes SQA fee)*
Qualification • HN UNIT
Diploma in Child Psychology This course is designed for people who wish to gain an understanding of Child Psychology and the development of children. Course Ref Y2NDC-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £333
Qualification • EDI
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
HNC Working with Communities Community workers have the opportunity to support and help the people in their community. They have a positive impact on the future of both the individuals encountered and the greater community as a whole. Whether you are already working in your community, or hoping to take the first step towards community employment, HNC Working With Communities will equip you to effectively communicate with and assist children, families and individuals in a local community setting. This is year one of a 2 year HNC course. Course Ref Y3CW
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £TBC
Qualification • SQA YR 1
PDA in Education Support Assistance This Professional Development Award (PDA) course in Education Support Assistance equips you to play a constructive role in encouraging and affirming positive behaviour in the classroom. A child’s educational experience is shaped by the adults who support and challenge them in their learning. Education Support Assistants can create a positive learning environment for all children giving the opportunity to build students’ self esteem, improve their quality of life and be an agent of change in their schooling experience. Please note that places on this course are subject to core skills testing. Course Ref Y3OES-D121A
Method Taught
Start 30-Aug-12
Fee: £360
Qualification • SQA YR 1
Weeks 37
Day Thu
Time 10.00:12.30
Venue Gallowgate
PDA Introduction to Tutoring in Adult Literacies Learning Research shows that people with good literacy skills are more likely to have higher self-esteem, better health and better jobs than those with poor literacy skills. Whether you are already working in adult literacies or an adult training environment or are thinking about working in this field, this course will give you accreditation to enable you to provide the first level of support for learners. It could help you take the first step towards changing the lives of people in your community and beyond. Course Ref Y3OTL
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £244
Qualification • SQA
Guidance 3
ENGINEERING: CAD CAD for Beginners This is a college certificated course designed to give an experience of AutoCAD 2012 to people without any prior CAD knowledge. Course Ref A1NCA-E121A
Method Taught
Start 29-Aug-12
Fee: £245
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 19
Day Wed
Time 18.00:21.00
Venue Altens
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
CAD - Intermediate This is a course designed to develop basic CAD skills using AutoCAD 2012. It is a college certificated course and covers all of the 2D elements of the HNC CADD programme but without formal assessment. Course Ref A1NCR-E121A
Method Taught
Start 30-Aug-12
Fee: £245
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 19
Day Thu
Time 17.45:21.00
Venue Altens
This course will introduce you to the basic electrical principles and mathematics required to allow you to progress satisfactorily onto the HNC Electrical Course. Course Ref A3NET-E121A
Method Taught
Start 28-Aug-12
Fee: £380
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 19
Day Tue/Thu
Time 18.00:21.00
Venue Altens
Guidance 3
HNC Engineering: Electrical
This Higher National Certificate is aimed at students who either have been out of education for some time or who want to improve their qualifications whilst continuing in employment. Course Ref A3CT-D121A
Method Taught
Fee: £850
Qualification • HNC Year 1
Course Ref A3CT-E123A
Method Taught
Fee: £430
Qualification • HNC Year 1
Course Ref A3CT-D122A A3CT-E122A
Method Taught Taught
Fee: £850
Qualification • HNC Year 2
Start 30-Aug-12
Start 29-Jan-13
Start 28-Aug-12 28-Aug-12
Weeks 37
Day Thu
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
Weeks 18
Day Tue/Thu
Time 17.45:21.00
Venue Altens
Guidance 3
Weeks 37 37
Day Tue Tue/Thu
Time 08.30:16.30 17.45:21.00
Venue Altens Altens
Guidance 3 3
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
HNC Engineering: Electronics This course will introduce learners to the principles and applications of electronics. The entry requirement for this course is either Higher Mathematics or Physics or a NC in Electrical or Electronic Engineering. Course Ref A3CL-D121A
Method Taught
Start 30-Aug-12
Fee: £850* (See page 10 for additional fee information)
Weeks 37
Day Thu
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
Guidance 3
Qualification • HNC Year 1
HND Electrical Engineering This course provides the 18 credits required to top up an HNC Electrical Engineering to an HND Electrical Engineering. Students wishing to study the HND on a part-time basis should undertake the HNC programme in the first instance. Course Ref A3DT-D122A
Method Taught
Start 29-Aug-12
Fee: £960
Qualification • HND Year 2
Weeks 37
Day Wed
Time 08.30:17.30
Venue Altens
NC in Electrical Engineering This SQA Award will introduce you to the basic principles of electrical engineering. The entry requirement for this course is either standard grade mathematics or physics at credit level. Course Ref A3ON-D121A
Method Taught
Start 30-Aug-12
Fee: £902
Qualification • NAT CERT Year 1
Weeks 37
Day Thu
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
Weeks 37
Day Tue
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
NC in Electrical Engineering Course Ref A3ON-D122A
Method Taught
Start 28-Aug-12
Fee: £910
Qualification • NAT CERT Year 2
NC in Electronic Engineering This SQA Award will introduce you to the principles and applications of electronics. The entry requirement for this course is either Standard Grade Mathematics or Physics at Credit Level. Course Ref A3OL-D121A
Method Taught
Start 30-Aug-12
Fee: £902
Qualification • NAT CERT Year 1
Weeks 37
Day Thu
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
NC in Electronic Engineering
Course Ref A3OL-D122A
Method Taught
Start 28-Aug-12
Fee: £910
Qualification • NAT CERT Year 2
Weeks 37
Day Tue
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
This course develops fabrication and welding knowledge related directly to manual skills. It is a 2 year day release programme suited to 1st and 2nd Year apprentices. Course Ref A1MW-D121A
Method Taught
Start 29-Aug-12
Fee: £1160
Qualification • NAT CERT Year 1
Course Ref A1MW-D122A
Method Taught
Fee: £1160
Qualification • NAT CERT Year 2
Start 29-Aug-12
Weeks 37
Day Wed
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
Weeks 37
Day Wed
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
Practical Welding Skills (Manual Metal Arc) This is a practical workshop based, college certificated programme, which gives learners an opportunity to learn manual metal arc welding skills. Course Ref A1NPW-E121A
Method Taught
Fee: £275
Qualification • COLL CERT
Start 29-Aug-12
Weeks 19
Day Wed
Time 18.00:21.00
Venue Altens
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
ENGINEERING: MECHANICAL HNC Mechanical Engineering: Pre Entry
This college certificated course offers prospective HNC students the opportunity to learn/refresh mathematical skills by applying maths to mechanical engineering problems. Course Ref A2NME-E121A A2NME-E121B A2NME-E121C
Method Taught Taught Taught
Start 27-Aug-12 28-Aug-12 28-Aug-12
Fee: £380
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 19 19 19
Day Mon/Wed Tue/Thu Tue/Thu
Time 18.00:21.00 18.00:21.00 18.00:21.00
Venue Altens Altens Altens
Diploma in Engineering and Technology (Year 1) This course develops skills and knowledge gained at non-advanced craft based NC level. It is delivered over a two year period and ideally suits third and fourth year apprentices. Course Ref A1AT-D121A
Method Taught
Start 28-Jan-13
Fee: £750
Qualification • EAL DIPLOMA Year 1
Weeks 17
Day Mon
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
Guidance 3
Weeks 37
Day Wed
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
Diploma in Engineering and Technology (Year 2)
Course Ref A1AT-D122A
Method Taught
Start 29-Aug-12
Fee: £1100
Qualification • EAL DIPLOMA Year 2
HNC Engineering: Mechanical This is a classroom based academic programme, addressing solving mechanical engineering problems with mathematical solutions applied to mechanical engineering principles. Entry Requirements – NC Mechanical Engineering @ higher level or Higher Mathematics or HNC Mechanical Engineering Pre Entry. Course Ref A2CH-D121A A2CH-D121B
Method Taught Taught
Start 28-Aug-12 28-Aug-12
Fee: £870* (See page 10 for additional fee information)
Weeks 37 37
Day Tue Tue
Time 08.30:16.30 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens Altens
Guidance 3 3
Qualification • HNC YR1
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
Course Ref
A2CH-E123A A2CH-E123B A2CH-E123C
Taught Taught Taught
29-Jan-13 29-Jan-13 28-Jan-13
18 18 18
Tue/Thu Tue/Thu Mon/Wed
17.45:21.00 17.45:21.00 17.45:21.00
Altens Altens Altens
3 3 3
Fee: £435* (See page 10 for additional fee information)
Course Ref A2CH-D122A
Method Taught
Weeks 28
Day Thu
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
Fee: £650
Qualification • HNC Year 2
Course Ref A2CH-E122A A2CH-E122B A2CH-E122C
Method Taught Taught Taught
Weeks 37 37 37
Day Tue/Thu Tue/Thu Mon/Wed
Time 17.45:21.00 17.45:21.00 17.45:21.00
Venue Altens Altens Altens
Fee: £870
Qualification • HNC Year 2
Start 30-Aug-12
Start 28-Aug-12 28-Aug-12 27-Aug-12
Qualification • HNC Year 1
HND Engineering: Mechanical This course provides the 18 credits required to top up an HNC Mechanical Engineering to an HND Mechanical Engineering. Students wishing to study the HND on a part-time basis should undertake the HNC programme in the first instance. Course Ref A2DEH-D121A
Method Taught
Start 29-Aug-12
Weeks 37
Day Wed
Time 08.30:17.30
Venue Altens
Fee: £1030* (See page 10 for additional fee information)
Qualification • HND Year 1
Fee: £980
Qualification • HND Year 2
Fee: £1030 (See page 10 for additional fee information)
Fee: £980
Qualification • HND Year 2
Qualification • HND Year 1
Mon/Wed - 17.45:21.00
Guidance 3
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
NC in Manufacture and Mechanical Maintenance This programme develops both manufacture and maintenance skills and knowledge over 2 years and suits 1st and 2nd year apprentices. Students successfully completing the entire 2 year programme would attain 2 National Certificates. Course Ref A1OMM-D121A
Method Taught
Start 28-Aug-12
Fee: £1160
Qualification • NAT CERT Year 1
Fee: £1160
Qualification • NAT CERT Year 2
Weeks 37
Day Tue
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
NC Mechanical Engineering The course addresses solving mechanical engineering problems with mathematical solutions applied to mechanical engineering principles. This is a day release course and requires maths at credit level as a minimum entry. Course Ref A2OML-D121A
Method Taught
Start 30-Aug-12
Fee: £910
Qualification • NAT CERT Year 1
Course Ref A2OML-D122A
Method Taught
Fee: £910
Qualification • NAT CERT Year 2
Start 27-Aug-12
Weeks 37
Day Thu
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
Weeks 36
Day Mon
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
An ESOL placement test confirms the level of study required and must be completed before booking onto an ESOL course. An authorisation slip showing the level achieved during the Placement Testing will be provided following the test and this must be shown at the time of booking onto a course. Therefore this course cannot be booked online. Please contact the Information and Booking Centre on 01224 612330 or [email protected] for the next available test dates (ref.Y5NET).
ESOL Beginner
This is a course in English for complete beginners with no knowledge of the language. Learners must have completed an ESOL placement test before booking onto the course. Please note: An authorisation slip showing the level achieved during ESOL Placement Testing must be shown at the time of booking therefore this course cannot be booked online. Please contact the Information and Booking Centre on 01224 612330 or [email protected] Course Ref Y5NLN-D121A Y5NLN-D123A Y5NLN-E121A Y5NLN-E123A Y5NLN-T121A Y5NLN-T123A
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 27-Aug-12 28-Jan-13 27-Aug-12 28-Jan-13 28-Aug-12 29-Jan-13
Fee: £352
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 19 19 19 19 19 19
Day Mon/Wed Mon/Wed Mon/Wed Mon/Wed Tue/Thu Tue/Thu
Time 11.15:12.45 11.15:12.45 19.30:21.00 19.30:21.00 17.30:19.00 17.30:19.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate
ESOL Elementary This course covers and develops the skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking at Elementary level. Learners must have completed an ESOL placement test before booking onto the course unless they are progressing from a beginners level class. Please note: An authorisation slip confirming the level of study must be shown at the time of booking therefore this course cannot be booked online. Please contact the Information and Booking Centre on 01224 612330 or [email protected] Course Ref Y5NLT-D121A Y5NLT-D123A Y5NLT-T121A Y5NLT-T123A Y5NLT-E121A Y5NLT-E123A
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Fee: £352
Qualification • COLL CERT
Start 27-Aug-12 28-Jan-13 27-Aug-12 28-Jan-13 28-Aug-12 29-Jan-13
Weeks 19 19 19 19 19 19
Day Mon/Wed Mon/Wed Mon/Wed Mon/Wed Tue/Thu Tue/Thu
Time 09.30:11.00 09.30:11.00 17.30:19.00 17.30:19.00 19.30:21.00 19.30:21.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 01224 612330 612330 tel:
ESOL Pre Intermediate This course covers and develops the skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking at Pre-intermediate level. Learners must have completed an ESOL placement test before booking onto the course unless they are progressing from an elementary level class. Please note: An authorisation slip confirming the level of study must be shown at the time of booking therefore this course cannot be booked online. Please contact the Information and Booking Centre on 01224 612330 or [email protected]
Course Ref Y5NLH-E121A Y5NLH-E121B Y5NLH-E123A Y5NLH-E123B Y5NLH-D121A Y5NLH-D123A Y5NLH-T121A Y5NLH-T123A
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 27-Aug-12 27-Aug-12 28-Jan-13 28-Jan-13 28-Aug-12 29-Jan-13 28-Aug-12 29-Jan-13
Fee: £352
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
Day Mon/Wed Mon/Wed Mon/Wed Mon/Wed Tue/Thu Tue/Thu Tue/Thu Tue/Thu
Time 19.30:21.00 19.30:21.00 19.30:21.00 19.30:21.00 09.30:11.00 09.30:11.00 17.30:19.00 17.30:19.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate
ESOL Intermediate This course covers and develops the skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking at Intermediate level. Learners must have completed an ESOL placement test before booking onto the course unless they are progressing from a pre-intermediate level class. Please note: An authorisation slip confirming the level of study must be shown at the time of booking therefore this course cannot be booked online. Please contact the Information and Booking Centre on 01224 612330 or [email protected] Course Ref Y5NLQ-D121A Y5NLQ-D123A Y5NLQ-T121A Y5NLQ-T123A Y5NLQ-E121A Y5NLQ-E123A
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 27-Aug-12 28-Jan-13 27-Aug-12 28-Jan-13 28-Aug-12 29-Jan-13
Fee: £352
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 19 19 19 19 19 19
Day Mon/Wed Mon/Wed Mon/Wed Mon/Wed Tue/Thu Tue/Thu
Time 13.30:15.00 13.30:15.00 17.30:19.00 17.30:19.00 19.30:21.00 19.30:21.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
ESOL Upper Intermediate This course covers and develops the skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking at Upper Intermediate level. Learners must have completed an ESOL placement test before booking onto the course unless they are progressing from an Intermediate level class. Please note: An authorisation slip confirming the level of study must be shown at the time of booking therefore this course cannot be booked online. Please contact the Information and Booking Centre on 01224 612330 or [email protected] Course Ref Y5NLU-E121A Y5NLU-E123A Y5NLU-D121A Y5NLU-D123A Y5NLU-T121A Y5NLU-T123A
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 27-Aug-12 28-Jan-13 28-Aug-12 29-Jan-13 28-Aug-12 29-Jan-13
Fee: £352
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 19 19 19 19 19 19
Day Mon/Wed Mon/Wed Tue/Thu Tue/Thu Tue/Thu Tue/Thu
Time 19.30:21.00 19.30:21.00 11.15:12.45 11.15:12.45 17.30:19.00 17.30:19.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate
ESOL Advanced The Advanced ESOL course aims to develop all four language skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking in general contexts. This course will include in-depth study of the more complex features of English grammar and develop fluency to a high level. Learners must have completed an ESOL placement test before booking onto the course unless they are progressing from an Upper Intermediate level class. Please note: An authorisation slip confirming the level of study must be shown at the time of booking therefore this course cannot be booked online. Please contact the Information and Booking Centre on 01224 612330 or [email protected] Course Ref Y5NLV-D121A Y5NLV-D123A Y5NLV-E121A Y5NLV-E123A
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 28-Aug-12 29-Jan-13 28-Aug-12 29-Jan-13
Fee: £207
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 19 19 19 19
Day Tue Tue Tue Tue
Time 13.30:15.00 13.30:15.00 19.30:21.00 19.30:21.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate
TOEIC Business English Language Course
This course will help you to improve your English communication skills and, although it is aimed at business English, it will help to improve general English listening and reading skills also. A combination of teaching methods and materials will be used during the course. There are seven stages of grammar materials online, plus nine classroom tutorials. The grammar and vocabulary used relate to different themes, including daily living, travel and business. Course Ref Y2NLC-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £155
Qualification • TOEIC
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
• first aid • floristry & garden design
FIRST AID Emergency First Aid (6 hour HSE) Accidents happen when you least expect them. Earning a certification in Emergency First Aid is the only way to ensure you’ll know exactly what to do when mishap - no matter how big or small - strikes. This short course will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to act swiftly and effectively in the case of emergency. Course Ref Y5NYF-W122A Y5NYF-W122C Y5NYF-W123A Y5NYF-W123C Y5NYF-W122B Y5NYF-W123B Y5NYF-W124A Y5NYF-W121B Y5NYF-W121A Y5NYF-E121A Y5NYF-E121B Y5NYF-E123A
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 16-Nov-12 24-Jan-13 15-Feb-13 19-Apr-13 15-Jan-13 5-Mar-13 7-May-13 11-Oct-12 30-Oct-12 28-Aug-12 6-Nov-12 5-Feb-13
Fee: £83
Qualification • HSE
Weeks 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 3 3 3
Day Fri Thu Fri Fri Tue Tue Tue Thu Tue Tue Tue Tue
Time 09.00:16.00 09.00:16.00 09.00:16.00 09.00:16.00 09.30:16.00 09.30:16.00 09.30:16.00 09.00:16.00 09.30:16.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00
Venue Guidance Learning Centre Inverurie Peterhead Fire Station Learning Centre Inverurie Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Peterhead Fire Station Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate
First Aid (18 hour HSE) This Health & Safety Executive approved course leads to a First Aid Certificate that is valid for three years. It is aimed at those whose work requires them to meet mandatory Health & Safety requirements, however it would benefit those who work with people: parents, care workers, those in the hospitality industry etc. Course Ref Y3NFS-E121A Y3NFS-E122A Y3NFS-E123A
Method Taught Taught Taught
Start 30-Aug-12 17-Jan-13 18-Apr-13
Fee: £83
Qualification • HSE
Weeks 9 9 9
Day Thu Thu Thu
Time 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
ICS Paediatric First Aid (Two day course) This course is aimed at individuals who are required to plan for first aid emergencies involving babies and children. It is ideal for those working with babies and children, especially in a health or social care capacity. Course Ref Y5NPA
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £124
Qualification • NCFE
FLORISTRY Introduction to Flower Arranging The course is designed for people interested in arranging fresh, dried and silk flowers and foliage in a suitable medium. On completion of the course, learners will have skills in creating a front facing, all round posy and a basket arrangement. Skills will include recognising appropriate tools and different mediums and preparing and securely attaching materials. Course Ref
Taught Taught Taught
30-Aug-12 15-Jan-13 5-Sep-12
15 15 15
Thu Tue Wed
19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00
Gallowgate Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie
Fee: £194
Qualification • COLL CERT
Arrangements created using oasis and wire. Tutor will advise on materials required.
Wedding Floristry The course is designed for people interested in basic Wedding floristry and is taught over fifteen, two hour sessions. Course content enables learners to recognise appropriate tools and different mediums and develops skills in preparing materials. Assembly of gents button holes, ladies corsage, handbag spray, comb headdress, simple hand tied bouquet and small bridesmaids posy in holder will be covered. Course Ref
Taught Taught
16-Jan-13 16-Jan-13
15 15
Wed Wed
19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00
Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie
Fee: £194
Qualification • COLL CERT
Arrangements created using oasis and wire. Tutor will advise on materials required.
Christmas Flower Arranging
The course is designed for people interested in basic flower arranging, with an emphasis on festive Christmas arrangements. Learners will produce a range of floral designs for Christmas including how to create a table arrangement, door decoration and Christmas posies. No previous experience is required. Course Ref Y5NCR-E121A
Method Taught
Fee: £101
Qualification • COLL CERT
Start 30-Oct-12
Weeks 6
Day Tue
Time 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
Arrangements created using oasis and wire. Tutor will advise on materials required.
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
GARDEN DESIGN & LANDSCAPING Introduction to Garden Design
The course covers many aspects of garden design including design theory, garden history, garden styles and the use and identification of plant groups. Course Ref Y5NGD-E123A
Method Taught
Fee: £135
Qualification • COLL CERT
Start 30-Jan-13
Weeks 10
Day Wed
Time 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
• highers & intermediate 2 • hospitality
HEALTH & SAFETY Award in Occupational Health and Safety (Level 2) This course aims to provide recognition for practitioners who meet the national standards in their work. Topics covered include: developing and reviewing health and safety procedures, conducting and Monitoring risk assessments, promoting and supervising a culture of health and safety in the workplace and investigate and evaluate incidents and complaints in the workplace. Course Ref Y2NOT-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £300
Qualification • NCFE
Guidance 3
General Occupational Health and Safety Certificate This NEBOSH General Certificate is aimed at managers, supervisors and staff from all types of organisations who need a broad understanding of health and safety issues. The certificate helps them manage risks effectively, and many people take the NEBOSH General Certificate as a first step in a career in health and safety. It provides a valuable overview, and is a sound basis for further professional study and is currently the most widely held health and safety management qualification. Course Ref Y2AOC-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £630
Qualification • NEBOSH
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
ICS Fire Safety Awareness (One day course) This course is aimed at non-specialist employees who need to gain knowledge about fire legislation, safety precautions and creating a fire plan. This training is ideal for employees who wish to become fire wardens. Course Ref Y5NFS
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £82
Qualification • NCFE
ICS Fire Warden (One day course) Employers must ensure that they have dedicated and fully trained Fire Wardens on their premises at all times. This course is aimed at employees in any sector who wish to gain the skills and knowledge required to assume this responsibility. Course Ref Y5NFW
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £82
Qualification • NCFE
ICS Health & Safety (One day course) This course provides employees in any sector with knowledge and awareness about health and safety in the workplace. It is ideal for employees at all levels and will equip employees with the health and safety knowledge to control or reduce risks to the health and/or safety of themselves and others. Course Ref Y5NHS
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £82
Qualification • NCFE
ICS Health & Safety Risk Assessment (One day course)
This course is ideal for anyone wishing to gain an introductory knowledge of health and safety risk assessment. This training will encourage employees to be proactive about risk assessment in order to prevent accidents. Course Ref Y5NHR
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £82
Qualification • NCFE
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
ICS Moving & Handling Objects (One day course) This course is aimed at all employees, whether first-time employees, those returning to work, or those who may not have any qualifications and is ideal for anyone who needs to take responsibility for their own and others’ safety in the workplace. Course Ref Y5NMH
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £82
Qualification • NCFE
ICS Moving & Handling People (One day course)
This course is aimed at all employees, whether first-time employees, those returning to work, or those who may not have any qualifications and is ideal for anyone who needs to take responsibility for their own and others’ safety in the workplace. Course Ref Y5NMR
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £82
Qualification • NCFE
ICS Personal Safety Awareness (One day course) This course is aimed at employees in any sector, who wish to gain knowledge and understanding of personal safety and raise awareness of their responsibilities at work. Course Ref Y5NPS
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £82
Qualification • NCFE
ICS Protection of Vulnerable Adults (One day course) This course is aimed at individuals working in a health or social care capacity and is designed to provide practical information and advice in understanding their role in the safeguarding of vulnerable adults. Course Ref Y5NPV
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £82
Qualification • NCFE
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
ICS Safeguarding Children (child protection) (One day course) This course is designed for those needing to understand child protection and a healthy and safe environment for children. It is ideal for those working in health and social care environments. Course Ref Y5NSC
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £82
Qualification • NCFE
Students will study three areas of Chemistry: Chemical Reactions, Energy Matters and the World of Carbon. Students should have successfully completed Chemistry at Standard Grade Level 3 or equivalent. Course Ref B6HST-E121A
Method Taught
Start 28-Aug-12
Qualification • HIGHER
Weeks 35
Day Tue
Time 18.30:21.30
Venue Gallowgate
Guidance 3
Higher English In addition to the main exam, students will have to successfully complete two internally assessed units: The Language Unit and Literary Study. In addition students will be required to submit a Writing Folio comprised of two pieces of work (a fictional prose text and a non-fictional prose text). The Folio will be assessed externally. Students must have either Standard Grade English at Credit or a Pass at Intermediate 2 English. Course Ref D6HE-D121A D6HE-E121A
Method Taught Taught
Start 29-Aug-12 29-Aug-12
Qualification • HIGHER
Weeks 37 37
Day Wed Wed
Time 09.00:13.00 18.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate
Higher Human Biology Students will study three areas of Human Biology: Cell Function and Inheritance, The Continuation of Life and Behaviour and Population and the Environment. Students should have successfully completed Biology at Standard Grade Level or have relevant experience. Course Ref B6HVO-E121A
Method Taught
Qualification • HIGHER
Start 29-Aug-12
Weeks 35
Day Wed
Time 18.30:21.30
Venue Gallowgate
Guidance 3
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
Intermediate 2 Maths This course is designed for students who already have a good understanding of Maths at Intermediate 1 level or Standard Grade General Level. Intermediate 2 Maths consists of three separate units. Course Ref A2HD-E121A
Method Taught
Start 27-Aug-12
Qualification • SQA Intermediate 2
Weeks 33
Day Mon
Time 17.45:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
Higher Maths This course is designed for students who already have a good understanding of Maths at Intermediate 2 level and wish to extend their mathematical knowledge. Higher maths consists of three units plus external exam. Course Ref A2HMO-E121A
Method Taught
Start 27-Aug-12
Fee: £363
Qualification • HIGHER
Weeks 33
Day Mon
Time 17.45:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
Guidance 3
Higher Psychology
Students will study three areas of Psychology: Understanding the Individual, Investigating Behaviour and the Individual in the Social Context. Students should have Standard Grades at Credit or hold passes at Intermediate 2 level. Course Ref D5HP-E121A
Method Taught
Start 30-Aug-12
Fee: £369
Qualification • HIGHER
Weeks 37
Day Thu
Time 18.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
HOSPITALITY BIIAB National Certificate for Door Supervisors (Scotland) Units 1 & 2
This programme is designed to meet the needs of the learners who require a qualification which will enable them to apply for a Security Industry Authority (SIA) Licence for Door Supervisors. This course is delivered by a Trainer at a College site and provides you with all the resources and facilities you will need to complete all of the training requirements as well as any assessment to allow for certification. The course content includes 2 units: Unit 1 - Working in the Private Security Industry, Unit 2 - Conflict Management for Door Supervisors. Course Ref Y3ND1-K121A Y3ND1-K121B Y3ND1-K121C Y3ND1-K121D Y3ND1-K122A Y3ND1-K122B Y3ND1-K123A Y3ND1-K123B Y3ND1-K123C Y3ND1-K124A Y3ND1-K124B Y3ND1-K124C
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 4-Aug-12 1-Sep-12 6-Oct-12 3-Nov-12 1-Dec-12 5-Jan-13 2-Feb-13 2-Mar-13 6-Apr-13 4-May-13 1-Jun-13 6-Jul-13
Fee: £128
Qualification • BIIAB
Weeks 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days
Day Sat/Sun Sat/Sun Sat/Sun Sat/Sun Sat/Sun Sat/Sun Sat/Sun Sat/Sun Sat/Sun Sat/Sun Sat/Sun Sat/Sun
Time 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate
Guidance 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
BIIAB National Certificate for Door Supervisors (Scotland) Units 3 & 4 This programme is designed to meet the needs of the learners who require a qualification which will enable them to apply for a Security Industry Authority (SIA) Licence for Door Supervisors. This course is delivered by a Trainer at a College site and provides you with all the resources and facilities you will need to complete all of the training requirements as well as any assessment to allow for certification. The course content includes 2 units: Unit 3 - Conflict Management for the Private Security Industry, Unit 4 - Physical Intervention Skills for the Private Security Industry. Course Ref Y3ND2-K121A Y3ND2-K121B Y3ND2-K121C Y3ND2-K122A Y3ND2-K122B Y3ND2-K122C Y3ND2-K123A Y3ND2-K123B Y3ND2-K123C Y3ND2-K124A Y3ND2-K124B Y3ND2-K124C
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 11-Aug-12 8-Sep-12 13-Oct-12 10-Nov-12 8-Dec-12 12-Jan-13 9-Feb-13 9-Mar-13 13-Apr-13 11-May-13 8-Jun-13 13-Jul-13
Fee: £128
Qualification • BIIAB
Weeks 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days
Day Sat/Sun Sat/Sun Sat/Sun Sat/Sun Sat/Sun Sat/Sun Sat/Sun Sat/Sun Sat/Sun Sat/Sun Sat/Sun Sat/Sun
Time 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate
Guidance 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 01224 612330 612330 tel:
BIIAB Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders The Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 states that anyone who authorises the sale of alcohol to the public must hold a personal licence. In order to obtain a personal licence you must show that you have a licensing qualification. This one day course is delivered by a trainer at a college site and provides you with all the resources and facilities you will need to complete all of the training requirements as well as any assessment to allow for certification. Course content includes: roles and responsibilities of the Licensing Board and Licensing Standards Officers, roles and responsibilities of the personal licence holder, licensed hours, child protection, strengths of alcoholic drinks and effects on people, and drunken behaviour and disorderly conduct. Course Ref Y5NPL-W121A Y5NPL-W121B Y5NPL-W121C Y5NPL-W121D Y5NPL-W122A Y5NPL-W122B Y5NPL-W123A Y5NPL-W123B Y5NPL-W123C Y5NPL-W124A Y5NPL-W124B Y5NPL-W124C
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 7-Aug-12 4-Sep-12 2-Oct-12 6-Nov-12 4-Dec-12 8-Jan-13 5-Feb-13 5-Mar-13 2-Apr-13 7-May-13 4-Jun-13 2-Jul-13
Fee: £131
Qualification • BIIAB
Weeks 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day
Day Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue
Time 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00 09.00:17.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate
Guidance 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
BIIAB Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Staff
The Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 states that all staff who wish to sell or serve alcohol in licensed premises must have received at least two hours of suitable training or have achieved a relevant licensing qualification accredited by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (Regulatory) (SQA). This course is delivered by a Trainer at a College site. This provides you with all the resources and facilities you will need to complete all of the training requirements as well as any assessment to allow for certification. The BIIAB Scottish Certificate for Licensed Premises Staff (SCLPS) has been developed to meet the training specification set by the Scottish Government and can be finished in two hours. Course Ref Y5NPF-W121A Y5NPF-W121B Y5NPF-W121C Y5NPF-W122A Y5NPF-W122B Y5NPF-W122C Y5NPF-W123A Y5NPF-W123B Y5NPF-W123C Y5NPF-W124A Y5NPF-W124B Y5NPF-W124C
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 13-Aug-12 10-Sep-12 8-Oct-12 12-Nov-12 10-Dec-12 14-Jan-13 18-Feb-13 11-Mar-13 8-Apr-13 13-May-13 10-Jun-13 8-Jul-13
Fee: £54
Qualification • BIIAB
Weeks 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day
Day Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon
Time 12.00:14.00 12.00:14.00 12.00:14.00 12.00:14.00 12.00:14.00 12.00:14.00 12.00:14.00 12.00:14.00 12.00:14.00 12.00:14.00 12.00:14.00 12.00:14.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
Guidance 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
FINE DINE WITH ME This course is aimed at those wishing to show off their cooking skills at dinner parties. A range of gourmet starters, main courses and desserts will be covered along with presentation techniques to impress your guests at the dinner table. Course Ref Y5NDM-E121A Y5NDM-E122A
Method Taught Taught
Start 27-Aug-12 14-Jan-13
Fee: £135
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 8 8
Day Mon Mon
Time 18.30:21.00 18.30:21.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate
Core ingredients to be provided by students, advised by tutor on weekly basis.
Flavours of the World: A Taste of Italy
This course will teach you how to make some of the best traditional Italian meals. During the course we will share with you the best ingredients you need to make the perfect dish. You will also learn what tools and techniques are best utilised to achieve authentic Italian cuisine. Course Ref Y5NFI-E121A
Method Taught
Start 30-Aug-12
Fee: £135
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 8
Day Thu
Time 18.30:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
Core ingredients to be provided by students, advised by tutor on weekly basis.
Flavours of the World: Authentic Indian Cuisine This course will teach you how to create homely Indian meals which are simple, quick and easy to make. You will learn how to make both restaurant style and more traditional home-made Indian dishes. Course Ref Y5NFP-E121A
Method Taught
Start 28-Aug-12
Fee: £135
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 8
Day Tue
Time 18.30:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
Core ingredients to be provided by students, advised by tutor on weekly basis.
Flavours of the World: Eastern Promise (Thai cookery) This course will introduce you to the flavours of Thai cooking and its essential ingredients. After some tuition and demonstrations, you will prepare and cook a range of Thai dishes. Course Ref Y5NAI-E122A
Method Taught
Fee: £135
Qualification • COLL CERT
Start 15-Jan-13
Weeks 8
Day Tue
Time 18.30:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
Core ingredients to be provided by students, advised by tutor on weekly basis.
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
Flavours of the World: Oriental Delights (Chinese cookery) This 8 week course will provide you with an introduction to the world of Chinese cookery. The course will cover a wide variety of old favourites and new regional dishes. Course Ref Y5NFO-E123A
Method Taught
Start 16-Apr-13
Fee: £135
Qualification • COLL CERT
Flavours of the World: Traditional Scottish Fayre
Weeks 8
Day Tue
Time 18.30:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
Core ingredients to be provided by students, advised by tutor on weekly basis.
• NEW course •
Do you often say ‘I wish I could make stovies as fine as granny used to make’? Then this course is for you. You will create dishes which are still traditional but have a modern touch. A range of starters, main courses and desserts will be covered along with presentation techniques to impress family and friends when they come round for Sunday lunch. Course Ref Y5NSF-E123A
Method Taught
Start 18-Apr-13
Fee: £135
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 8
Day Thu
Time 18.30:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
Core ingredients to be provided by students, advised by tutor on weekly basis.
REHIS ELEMENTARY FOOD HYGIENE Knowing how to prepare food in a safe hygienic way is very important whether you work in the hospitality industry or help out at your local community group. This course provides a recognised qualification and is designed to equip learners with the principles of basic food hygiene and an understanding of safe, healthy food handling and preparation. Course Ref Y5NFH-W121A Y5NFH-W121B Y5NFH-W122A Y5NFH-W122B Y5NFH-W122C Y5NFH-W122D Y5NFH-W123A Y5NFH-W123B Y5NFH-W123C Y5NFH-W124A
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 11-Sep-12 12-Oct-12 6-Nov-12 9-Nov-12 15-Jan-13 18-Jan-13 12-Mar-13 15-Mar-13 22-Mar-13 14-May-13
Fee: £89
Qualification • REHIS
Weeks 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day
Day Tue Fri Tue Fri Tue Fri Tue Fri Fri Tue
Time 09.00:16.30 09.00:16.30 09.00:16.30 09.00:16.30 09.00:16.30 09.00:16.30 09.00:16.30 09.00:16.30 09.00:16.30 09.00:16.30
Venue Guidance Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate Peterhead Fire Station Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie Peterhead Fire Station Gallowgate
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Certificate in Team Leading
The ILM Level 2 Certificate in Team Leading has been designed for team leaders who have some personal autonomy and responsibility and who collaborate with others to deliver work. The course gives learners the opportunity to develop the core competencies needed by team leaders in today’s dynamic business world. Course Ref Y2NTL
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £275
Qualification • ILM
Guidance 3
CIPD Foundation Certificate in Human Resource Practice (Level 3) A career in human resources has a high potential to take you places. This course is a great way to develop your skills and career prospects. It is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD), the largest human resources and development professional body in Europe. Course Ref Y3AH
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £TBC
Qualification • CIPD
Guidance 3
ICS Effective Supervisor (One day course) This course aims to introduce learners to the fundamental skills and knowledge they need to become supervisors. It is ideal for employees who have no experience of supervisory responsibilities and will equip learners with the knowledge and skills they will require to enable people to perform effectively together. Course Ref Y5NTS
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £82
Qualification • NCFE
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
• languages
LANGUAGES French Beginners Learning a new language is not only useful in travel, but opens up a new world of literature and human understanding. This course is designed for learners with little to no knowledge of French, but an interest in learning this beautiful language. This course is also suitable for those who may have studied French at school or through self-study, who would like some revision in a structured class. Course Ref Y5NFG-D121A Y5NFG-T121A Y5NFG-E122A
Method Taught Taught Taught
Start 6-Sep-12 29-Aug-12 16-Jan-13
Fee: £194
Qualifi cation • COLL CERT
Weeks 15 15 15
Day Thu Wed Wed
Time 09.30:11.30 17.30:19.30 19.30:21.30
Venue Guidance Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate Gallowgate
French Intermediate This Intermediate French course is perfect for learners with some knowledge of French who wish to build on their existing vocabulary, spoken and written skills and to use your existing knowledge to push you to the next level. Course Ref Y5NFQ-D122A Y5NFQ-T122A Y5NFQ-E121A
Method Taught Taught Taught
Start 17-Jan-13 16-Jan-13 29-Aug-12
Fee: £194
Qualifi cation • COLL CERT
Weeks 15 15 15
Day Thu Wed Wed
Time 09.30:11.30 17.30:19.30 19.30:21.30
Venue Guidance Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate Gallowgate
French Advanced This Advanced French course is perfect for learners with some sound knowledge of French who wish to progress further through conversation and interaction, build on their existing vocabulary, spoken and written skills and to use your existing knowledge to push you to an advanced level. Course Ref Y5NFV-E121A Y5NFV-E122A
Method Taught Taught
Start 30-Aug-12 17-Jan-13
Fee: £194
Qualifi cation • COLL CERT
Weeks 15 15
Day Thu Thu
Time 19.30:21.30 19.30:21.30
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
German Beginners
This course is designed for learners with little to no knowledge of German but an interest in learning this beautiful language. This course is also suitable for those who may have studied German at school or through self-study, who would like some revision in a structured class. Course Ref Y5NGB-E121A
Method Taught
Start 30-Aug-12
Fee: £194
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 15
Day Thu
Time 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
German Intermediate This Intermediate German course is perfect for learners with some knowledge of German who wish to build on their existing vocabulary, spoken and written skills and to use your existing knowledge to push you to the next level. Course Ref Y5NGT-E122A
Method Taught
Start 17-Jan-13
Fee: £194
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 15
Day Thu
Time 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
Italian Beginners
This course is designed for learners with little to no knowledge of Italian but an interest in learning this beautiful language. This course is also suitable for those who may have studied Italian at school or through self-study, who would like some revision in a structured class. Course Ref Y5NTB-E121A Y5NTB-T121A Y5NTB-E121B Y5NTB-E121C
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 27-Aug-12 29-Aug-12 5-Sep-12 5-Sep-12
Fee: £194
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 15 15 15 15
Day Mon Wed Wed Wed
Time 19.30:21.30 17.30:19.30 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00
Venue Guidance Gallowgate Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie Ellon Fire Station
Italian Intermediate
This Intermediate Italian course is perfect for learners with some knowledge of Italian who wish to build on their existing vocabulary, spoken and written skills and to use your existing knowledge to push you to the next level. Course Ref Y5NTL-T122A Y5NTL-E122A Y5NTL-E122B Y5NTL-E121A
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught
Fee: £194
Qualification • COLL CERT
Start 16-Jan-13 16-Jan-13 16-Jan-13 29-Aug-12
Weeks 15 15 15 15
Day Wed Wed Wed Wed
Time 17.30:19.30 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.30:21.30
Venue Guidance Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie Ellon Fire Station Gallowgate
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 01224 612330 612330 tel:
Italian Advanced
This Advanced Italian course is perfect for learners with some sound knowledge of Italian who want to progress further through conversation and interaction, building on their existing vocabulary, spoken and written skills and to use your existing knowledge to push you to an advanced level. Course Ref Y5NTA-E122A
Method Taught
Start 16-Jan-13
Fee: £194
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 15
Day Wed
Time 19.30:21.30
Venue Gallowgate
Polish Beginners
Learning a new language is not only useful in travel, but opens up a new world of literature and human understanding. This course is designed for learners with little to no knowledge of Polish but an interest in learning this beautiful language. Course Ref Y5NPW-E121A
Method Taught
Start 29-Aug-12
Fee: £194
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 15
Day Wed
Time 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
Polish Intermediate This Intermediate Polish course is perfect for learners with some knowledge of Polish who wish to build on their existing vocabulary, spoken and written skills and to use your existing knowledge to push you to the next level. Course Ref Y5NPI-E122A
Method Taught
Start 16-Jan-13
Fee: £194
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 15
Day Wed
Time 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
Spanish Beginners
This course is designed for learners with little to no knowledge of Spanish but an interest in learning this beautiful language. This course is also suitable for those who may have studied Spanish at school or through self-study, who would like some revision in a structured class. Course Ref Y5NHE-T122A Y5NHE-E121A Y5NHE-E121B Y5NHE-E121C Y5NHE-E122A Y5NHE-T121A Y5NHE-D122A
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 14-Jan-13 27-Aug-12 6-Sep-12 6-Sep-12 15-Jan-13 28-Aug-12 16-Jan-13
Fee: £194
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Day Mon Mon Thu Thu Tue Tue Wed
Time 17.30:19.30 19.30:21.30 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.30:21.30 17.30:19.30 09.30:11.30
Venue Guidance Gallowgate Gallowgate Peterhead Fire Station Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
Spanish Intermediate
This Intermediate Spanish course is perfect for learners with some knowledge of Spanish who wish to build on their existing vocabulary, spoken and written skills and to use your existing knowledge to push you to the next level. Course Ref Y5NHI-E122A Y5NHI-E122B Y5NHI-E122C Y5NHI-T122A Y5NHI-D121A Y5NHI-E121A
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 14-Jan-13 17-Jan-13 17-Jan-13 15-Jan-13 5-Sep-12 29-Aug-12
Fee: £194
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 15 15 15 15 15 15
Day Mon Thu Thu Tue Wed Wed
Time 19.30:21.30 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 17.30:19.30 09.30:11.30 19.00:21.00
Venue Guidance Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie Peterhead Fire Station Gallowgate Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate
Spanish Advanced
This Advanced Spanish course is perfect for learners with some sound knowledge of Spanish who wish to progress further through conversation and interaction, build on their existing vocabulary, spoken and written skills and to use your existing knowledge to push you to an advanced level. Course Ref Y5NHA-T121A Y5NHA-E122A
Method Taught Taught
Fee: £194
Qualification • COLL CERT
Start 27-Aug-12 16-Jan-13
Weeks 15 15
Day Mon Wed
Time 17.30:19.30 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
• music, drama & dance
MUSIC, DRAMA & DANCE Musical Theatre
• NEW course •
Musical Theatre is a new part time course with theatre lovers in mind! If you’ve ever found yourself in front of a mirror singing to your hairbrush or desperate to get out of your seat the minute you hear ‘Fame’ this course is for you. You will take part in a range of engaging practical activities that develop performance skills such as: the use of voice, characterisation, stage presence, movement and dance and the interpretation of text based on real musicals. By the end, you will have had the opportunity to rehearse, devise and perform a small scale musical in front of a live audience. Course Ref Y5NSR-E121A Y5NSR-E122A Y5NSR-E123A
Method Taught Taught Taught
Start 30-Oct-12 15-Jan-13 16-Apr-13
Fee: £98
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 8 8 8
Day Tue Tue Tue
Time 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate
• NEW course •
Social Dancing For All: Scottish Country
Get ready for all the New Year dances you will be attending by brushing up on your dancing steps. Be the envy of all on the dance floor joining this class to learn the art of Scottish Country dancing. Course Ref Y5NDS-E121A
Method Taught
Fee: £98
Qualification • COLL CERT
Social Dancing For All: Ballroom
Start 29-Oct-12
Weeks 8
Day Mon
Time 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
• NEW course •
See yourself on Strictly Come Dancing? From the waltz to the tango, be the envy of all on the dance floor joining this class to learn the art of Ballroom Dancing. Course Ref Y5NDB-E122A
Method Taught
Start 14-Jan-13
Fee: £98
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 8
Day Mon
Time 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
Social Dancing For All: Sals
• NEW course •
Get ready to strut your stuff on holiday by learning the sultry moves of Salsa. Have fun, get fit and tone those curves ready for summer. Course Ref Y5NDL-E123A
Method Taught
Fee: £98
Qualification • COLL CERT
Start 15-Apr-13
Weeks 8
Day Mon
Time 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
personal development • psychology
Confidence Building is a useful starting point if you are thinking of returning to work, or moving on to College education. Learn basic strategies for interacting with others in a range of settings. Target areas of low confidence and build your assertiveness, social skills and selfesteem. Course Ref Y3NFU
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £62
Qualification • COLL CERT
Employment Skills Looking for work can be daunting. Knowing where to look, how to apply and preparing a striking CV and for that all important interview might seem like an impossible mountain to climb. There are a huge variety of possible career paths and knowing which ones might suit your abilities and interests can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. If any of this rings a bell, this course is for you. Course Ref Y3MES
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £93
Qualification • SQA
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
Learning to Learn
• NEW course •
Are you considering embarking in further or higher education and need to learn how to learn and study effectively? This course will assist learners in planning and preparing for study, effective note taking and mind mapping, essay and report writing, research and referencing skills and portfolio building. You will also be able to navigate and effectively use a virtual learning environment, participate in online discussions and complete online assessment. Course Ref Y5NGL
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £135
Qualification • COLL CERT
PSYCHOLOGY Investigating Behaviour: Introduction to Psychology This introductory course is ideal for anyone who has an interest in research within psychology or those wishing to complete Intermediate 2 group award. You will learn about the research methods used and develop your own research skills in this interesting and complex subject. This freestanding SQA course unit is one of three discrete units that comprise the SQA Intermediate 2 Psychology award. Learners must have completed both Understanding the Individual and The Individual in the Social Context prior to undertaking this unit. Course Ref Y3MIB-D123B Y3MIB-E123A Y3MIB-D123A Y3MIB-E123B
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 22-Mar-13 4-Mar-13 7-Mar-13 12-Mar-13
Fee: £93
Qualification • NAT UNIT
Weeks 10 12 12 12
Day Fri Mon Thu Tue
Time 09.30:12.15 18.30:21.00 09.30:12.00 18.30:21.00
Venue Guidance Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate Gallowgate Stonehaven Fire Station
The Individual in The Social Context: Introduction to Psychology This course is ideal for learners looking for a starting point for the understanding of human behaviour or further study in Psychology. Study topics in key areas of Psychology of the Individual and Social Psychology, including: personality (mandatory); and one other from group processes, nonverbal communication or pro-social behaviour and social perception. This free-standing SQA course is one of three discrete units that comprise the SQA Intermediate 2 Psychology award. Students may wish to progress to one or both of the other two Psychology units: Understanding the Individual and Investigating Behaviour. Course Ref Y3MSC-D122B Y3MSC-E122A Y3MSC-D122A Y3MSC-E122B
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught
Start 7-Dec-12 26-Nov-12 29-Nov-12 4-Dec-12
Fee: £93
Qualification • NAT UNIT
Weeks 12 12 12 12
Day Fri Mon Thu Tue
Time 09.30:12.00 18.30:21.00 09.30:12.00 18.30:21.00
Venue Guidance Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate Gallowgate Stonehaven Fire Station
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
Understanding the Individual: Introduction to Psychology The human brain and its intricacies have fascinated the earth’s greatest minds for hundreds of years, from Freud to Pavlov to Maslow. The study of psychology gives insight into human behaviour and decision making beneficial to anyone who interacts with others on a daily basis. Understanding the Individual will help you discover how psychological knowledge can be used in practice and in every day life. This freestanding SQA course is one of three discrete units that comprise the SQA Intermediate 2 Psychology award. Students may wish to progress to one or both of the other two Psychology units: The Individual in a Social Context and Investigating Behaviour. Course Ref Y3MIP-D121B Y3MIP-E121A Y3MIP-D121A Y3MIP-E121B
Method Taught Taught Taught Taught
Fee: £93
Qualification • NAT UNIT
Start 7-Sep-12 27-Aug-12 30-Aug-12 4-Sep-12
Weeks 12 12 12 12
Day Fri Mon Thu Tue
Time 09.30:12.00 18.30:21.00 09.30:12.00 18.30:21.00
Venue Guidance Learning Centre Inverurie Gallowgate Gallowgate Stonehaven Fire Station
• quality assurance and assessment
QUALITY ASSURANCE & ASSESSMENT Assessing Vocational Related Achievement (Level 3)
• NEW course •
This course is for those who need to know about assessment processes and practices. The aim of the course is to assess the assessorcandidates’ knowledge and understanding of the principles and practices of varying types of assessment. The candidate will be required to plan and carry out a variety of assessment activities in accordance with appropriate external Quality Assurance requirements. Knowledge on the process of conducting assessment will be supplemented with questions where required to ensure that all learning outcomes of the units are fully covered. Course Ref Y2OAA-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study/Work-based
Fee: £217
Qualification • SQA
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice (Level 4)
• NEW course •
This course is for those who need to know about internal quality assurance. The aim of the course is to assess the internal quality assurercandidates’ knowledge and understanding of the principles and practices of internally assuring the quality of assessment. The candidate will be required to plan and carry-out the quality assurance Monitoring activities defined in their organisations quality assurance procedures and in accordance with appropriate external Quality Assurance requirements. Knowledge on the process of Monitoring quality assurance will be supplemented with questions where required to ensure that all learning outcomes of the units are fully covered. Course Ref Y2OAP-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study/Work-based
Fee: £217
Qualification • SQA
Guidance 3
Management Systems Audit: Unit 306 (Level 3) This course provides the auditing skills required to developing the ability to plan, conduct and report quality audits against quality criteria. This professional qualification is aimed at those currently employed in a quality orientated role looking to increase their knowledge and improve their career prospects and meets part of the qualification requirements to become a CQI Member, Chartered Quality Professional. Course Ref Y2NGM-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £397
Qualification • CQI
People In Quality: Unit 501 (Level 5) This professional qualification is one unit towards the Diploma in Quality Management (9 mandatory units required) and is aimed at those currently employed in a quality orientated role looking to increase their knowledge and improve their career prospects and meets part of the qualification requirements to become a CQI Member, Chartered Quality Professional. Topics include: how the design of management systems is influenced by human behaviour and vice versa and evaluate how management styles and culture and organizational structure impact on quality performance. Course Ref Y2NPQ-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £397
Qualification • CQI
Management System Models: Unit 502 (Level 5) This professional qualification is one unit towards the Diploma in Quality Management (9 mandatory units required) and is aimed at those currently employed in a quality orientated role looking to increase their knowledge and improve their career prospects and meets part of the qualification requirements to become a CQI Member, Chartered Quality Professional. Topics include: the audit process and the management of audit findings and the principles contained in standards for auditing. Course Ref Y2NMY-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £397
Qualification • CQI
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
Monitoring and Measuring Quality: Unit 503 (Level 5) This professional qualification is one unit towards the Diploma in Quality Management (9 mandatory units required) and is aimed at those currently employed in a quality orientated role looking to increase their knowledge and improve their career prospects and meets part of the qualification requirements to become a CQI Member, Chartered Quality Professional. Topics include: the use of qualitative and quantitative data in decision making, the range of quality tools for data analysis and evaluate the risks of making decisions based on incorrect process data. Course Ref Y2NMT-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £397
Qualification • CQI
Quality Management: Unit 504 (Level 5) This professional qualification is one unit towards the Diploma in Quality Management (9 mandatory units required) and is aimed at those currently employed in a quality orientated role looking to increase their knowledge and improve their career prospects and meets part of the qualification requirements to become a CQI Member, Chartered Quality Professional. Topics include: the effectiveness of the application of the quality management principles in an organisation, explain and evaluate different types of business processes and their interactions to improve performance and reduce risk. Course Ref Y2NLM-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £397
Qualification • CQI
Quality Related Legislation and Regulation: Unit 507 (Level 5) This professional qualification is one unit towards the Diploma in Quality Management (9 mandatory units required) and is aimed at those currently employed in a quality orientated role looking to increase their knowledge and improve their career prospects and meets part of the qualification requirements to become a CQI Member, Chartered Quality Professional. Topics include: compare common and statutory law and their impact on manufacturers/service providers and the legal processes of Tort and criminal prosecution. Course Ref Y2NGL-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £397
Qualification • CQI
Quality Planning in The Product Life Cycle: Unit 508 (Level 5) This professional qualification is one unit towards the Diploma in Quality Management (9 mandatory units required) and is aimed at those currently employed in a quality orientated role looking to increase their knowledge and improve their career prospects and meets part of the qualification requirements to become a CQI Member, Chartered Quality Professional. Topics include: the factors to be considered in defining the brief for development of new products and services and the activities that should take place in the new product development process. Course Ref Y2NRL-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £397
Qualification • CQI
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
Business Research Unit: Unit 512 (Level 5) This professional qualification is one unit towards the Diploma in Quality Management (9 mandatory units required) and is aimed at those currently employed in a quality orientated role looking to increase their knowledge and improve their career prospects and meets part of the qualification requirements to become a CQI Member, Chartered Quality Professional. Topics include: the different approaches to management research and conduct a research project. Course Ref Y2NBR-O121A
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Self Study
Fee: £397
Qualification • CQI
Using Quality to Improve Business Performance: Unit 505 (Level 5) This professional qualification is one unit toward the Diploma in Quality Management (9 mandatory units required) and is aimed at those currently employed in a quality orientated role looking to increase their knowledge and improve their career prospects and meets part of the qualification requirements to become a CQI Member, Chartered Quality Professional. This unit covers: continual improvement and its application to business and identifying and prioritising areas for improvement. Course Ref Y2NBV-O121A
Method Self Study
Fee: £397
Qualification • CQI
Start Weeks Day Time Venue 1-Aug-12
• sailing
SAILING RYA Day Skipper Shore Based Course
This course is for learners with an interest, but not necessarily experience, in yachting and powerboating and offers an introduction to navigation and seamanship through on-shore exercises and instruction. Course Ref Y5NYK
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £306
Qualification • RYA
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
RYA Yachtmaster Course
This second-level navigation course deepens learners’ knowledge of yachting and power boating and provides an opportunity to further explore the theory of navigation and seamanship through on-shore exercises and instruction. Course Ref Y5NYY
Method Start Weeks Day Time Venue Register your Interest
Fee: £306
Qualification • RYA
• transport • tv, radio and sound production
TRANSPORT Introductory Certificate in Logistics and Transport (Level 2) The course is for learners who want a basic introduction to logistics management as part of an ongoing career logistics training programme. The aim of this course is to provide you with a work-based qualification in logistics or transport to show your knowledge, expertise and competence of integrated supply-chain management. To obtain the certificate you must complete two compulsory core modules and two option modules. Course Ref Y2NLO-O121A
Method Self Study
Fee: £470
Qualification • CILT
Start Weeks Day Time Venue 1-Aug-12
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 01224 612330 612330 tel:
Whether you own a camera and want to learn how to use it more effectively or are a complete novice, this course will give you the basic skills to start making professional videos. All equipment is provided. Course Ref Y5NFM-E122A
Method Taught
Start 30-Jan-13
Fee: £168
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 16
Day Wed
Time 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
Getting into Radio This radio course is designed for those who have an interest in the practical side of the media. It will prepare students for work in radio broadcasting by developing their creative and technical skills. Course Ref Y5NGE-E121A Y5NGE-E123A
Method Taught Taught
Start 7-Nov-12 30-Jan-13
Fee: £127
Qualification • COLL CERT
Location Lighting and Use of Filters for Video
Weeks 10 10
Day Wed Wed
Time 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate
• NEW course •
The course is aimed at film makers and particularly camera operators who wish to further their skills and knowledge in the use of selected camera filters and location lighting techniques. Course Ref Y5NLG-S124A
Method Taught
Fee: £127
Qualification • COLL CERT
Start 12-Jun-13
Weeks 2 days
Day Wed/Thu
Time 09.00:16.00
Venue Gallowgate
• NEW course •
This course covers the basic principles needed to understand and complete a Pro Tools project, from initial set up to final mix-down. Whether your project involves recording of live instruments, MIDI sequencing of software synthesisers or audio looping, this course will give you the basic steps to succeed. Course Ref Y5NLS-E121A Y5NLS-E122A Y5NLS-E123A
Method Taught Taught Taught
Start 28-Aug-12 15-Jan-13 23-Apr-13
Fee: £285
Qualification • AVID
Weeks 12 11 8
Day Tue Tue Tue
Time 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.15 19.00:21.30
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
• NEW course •
This course is the second of the AVID / Digi-design Certified courses that covers the key concepts and skills needed to operate a Pro Tools 10 system in a home or professional studio environment. You will learn to record, edit, and use the essentials of automation. Course Ref Y5NTR-E121A Y5NTR-E122A Y5NTR-E123A
Method Taught Taught Taught
Start 30-Aug-12 17-Jan-13 25-Apr-13
Fee: £450
Qualification • AVID
Weeks 12 11 8
Day Thu Thu Thu
Time 19.00:21.00 19.00:21.15 19.00:21.30
Venue Gallowgate Gallowgate Gallowgate
Sound Production School This course is designed to teach candidates the basics of sound production using industry standard equipment. It will show students how to record using protools and other sound production software. Course Ref Y5NSP-E123A
Method Taught
Start 30-Jan-13
Fee: £188
Qualification • COLL CERT
Weeks 16
Day Time Wed - 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
Video Editing on Avid Whether you want to learn how to turn those holiday clips into lifetime family entertainment or join a growing number of amateur film makers, this course will give you the skills to start making professional videos. Subjects include: edit decision lists, shot capturing, picture transition, visual effects and DVD transfer. Course Ref Y5NVA-E121A
Method Taught
Fee: £176
Qualification • COLL CERT
Start 19-Sep-12
Weeks 16
Day Wed
Time 19.00:21.00
Venue Gallowgate
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330
C&G / NVQ Light Vehicle Mechanics Course Ref A4QL-D121A
Method Taught
Start 27-Aug-12
Weeks 36
Day Mon
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
Guidance 3
Weeks 37
Day Thu
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
Weeks 37
Day Tue
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
Weeks 37
Day Mon
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
Guidance 3
Weeks 37
Day Mon/VAR
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
Weeks 37
Day Mon/VAR
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
Qualification • CITY AND GUILDS VQ Year 1
C&G / NVQ Light Vehicle Mechanics Course Ref A4QL-D122A
Method Taught
Start 30-Aug-12
Qualification • CITY AND GUILDS VQ Year 2
C&G / NVQ Light Vehicle Mechanics Course Ref A4QL-D123A
Method Taught
Start 28-Aug-12
Qualification • CITY AND GUILDS VQ Year 3
C&G Vehicle Body Repair and Refinish Course Ref A4QVR-D121A
Method Taught
Start 27-Aug-12
Qualification • CITY AND GUILDS VQ Year 1
C&G Vehicle Body Repair and Refinish Course Ref A4QVR-D122A
Method Taught
Start 27-Aug-12
Qualification • CITY AND GUILDS VQ Year 2
C&G Vehicle Body Repair and Refinish Course Ref A4QVR-D123A
Method Taught
Start 27-Aug-12
Qualification • CITY AND GUILDS VQ Year 3
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
CARPENTRY & JOINERY Advanced Carpentry and Joinery Course Ref A6AJ-B121A
Method Taught
Start 17-Sep-12
Weeks Day 8 (block release) Mon:Fri
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
Guidance 3
Time 08.30:17.00
Venue Altens
Guidance 3
Qualification • ADV CERT
CONSTRUCTION PAINTING & DECORATING Advanced Painting and Decorating Course Ref A5AP-B121A
Method Taught
Start 1-Oct-12
Weeks Day 8 (block release) Mon:Fri
Qualification • ADV CERT
Method Taught
Start 27-Aug-12
Weeks 34
Day Mon
Time 09.00:16.30
Venue Altens
Guidance 3
Start 30-Aug-12
Weeks 30
Day Thu
Time 09.00:16.30
Venue Altens
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
Guidance 3
Qualification • HNC Year 1
HNC Construction Course Ref A6CP1-D122A
Method Taught
Qualification • HNC Year 2
CONSTRUCTION TROWEL Advanced Craft Brickwork Course Ref A5AB-B121A
Method Taught
Qualification • ADV CERT
Start 29-Oct-12
Weeks Day 9 (block release) Mon:Fri
www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time tel: 01224 612330 tel: 01224 612330
SVQ Hairdressing Level 2 Course Ref D3GH-D121A
Method Taught
Start 27-Aug-12
Weeks 36
Day Mon
Time 09.00:15.00
Venue Gallowgate
Guidance 3
Weeks 37
Day Tue
Time 14.00:20.00
Venue Gallowgate
Qualification • CITY AND GUILDS SVQ Year 1
SVQ Hairdressing Level 2 Course Ref D3SH-D122A
Method Taught
Start 28-Aug-12
Qualification • SVQ Year 2
PLUMBING SVQ Plumbing Stage 1 Course Ref A5SP1-D121A
Method Taught
Start 10-Sep-12
Weeks 30
Day Mon/Tue
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
Guidance 3
Start 29-Aug-12
Weeks 38
Day Wed
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
Start 31-Aug-12
Weeks 37
Day Fri
Time 08.30:16.30
Venue Altens
Qualification • SVQ Year 3
SVQ Plumbing Stage 2 Course Ref A5SP1-D122A
Method Taught
Qualification • SVQ Year 3
SVQ Plumbing Stage 3 Course Ref A5SP1-D123A
Method Taught
Qualification • SVQ Year 3
Students undertaking Trade Courses in Construction, Engineering and Plumbing must provide and wear appropriate overalls, footwear and safety glasses.
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
book your course now www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time or complete the form opposite.
tear off here
Student Ref
Rec No
User ID
Part-time Booking/Payment Form 2012/2013 This form may be used only by individuals paying their own fees or to claim remission of fees. Employers wishing to book students on courses should tel: (01224) 612330, or email: [email protected] and ask for Form EBF 2012/2013. Postal bookings can be accepted only when accompanied by full payment by cheque or credit card or proof of entitlement to remission of fees. If you are entitled to remission of fees, please complete this form and Waiver 1 and send it or bring it along with proof of entitlement to remission to the Information and Booking Centre, Gallowgate Centre, Aberdeen. (PLEASE NOTE the proof of entitlement must clearly show your name, address and state the benefit you are in receipt of. This proof must show that you have received this benefit within 4 weeks of booking onto the course.)
Forename(s) Date of Birth Nationality Are you a UK National and have lived in the UK all of your life? Are you an EU national?
How long have you been living in the EU?
Permanent Home Address Postcode Email Telephone Number (including code)
I wish to claim remission of fees and enclose proof of entitlement and the completed the Waiver 1 Form
I wish to use ILA funding from my ILA (Scotland) account as part payment of this course and attach the completed ILA Declaration Form.
Are you a full-time student? YES
Course Details
Course Reference Code & Title
Aberdeen College offers a wide range of learning support to students who have additional learning or support requirements including: physical or sensory impairments, specific learning difficulties e.g. dyslexia, autistic spectrum disorder and physical/medical/mental health conditions, being a young carer, being looked after or a care leaver etc. Do you require extra help with your studies?:
Yes No Please tick the appropriate box: If YES, specify condition and requirements below.
PAYMENT DETAILS I enclose a Cheque/Postal Order No: for £ Please make ALL Cheques/Postal Orders payable to Aberdeen College. Please do not send cash. I wish to pay by MAESTRO/MASTERCARD/VISA* (*delete as appropriate) Number Security Number (from the reverse side of your card - the last 3 numbers)
Name on Card:
The information will help us monitor recruitment from under represented groups. It will also help staff dealing with your application be aware of your circumstances. If you require additional support, we would encourage you to contact us at an early stage to enable us to consider how best we can support you. Initial enquiries should be made to Learner Services Reception (01224 612284 or minicom: 01224 612163). Our receptionists will direct you to a member of the Learning Development Centre Team.
SQA Record of Education and Training If you have an SQA Scottish Candidate Number please advise us when you attend the first class for National Certificate modular, HNC or HND courses. This will ensure that all your achievements are recorded on a single certificate. SQA Higher National Certificates/Diplomas (HNC/HND) (and other advanced diplomas) Course Administration Fees. All students registering for the above courses must pay SQA Administration Fees. These fees are paid once only on entry to each SQA advanced course. As an alternative students pay a single unit (subject) administration fee on entry to each unit.
IMPORTANT - Please read carefully
If you do take up a place on a College course, at the start of the course you will be asked to sign an enrolment form. In signing the form and/or taking up a place on a College course, you will enter into a contract with the College and be bound by the Aberdeen College Standard Terms and Conditions of study. Copies of the Terms and Conditions are available for inspection on notice boards and at various locations throughout the College, at the College reception, on the College website www.abcol.ac.uk - or can be obtained on request from the College’s Admissions Manager, Aberdeen College, Gallowgate Centre, Gallowgate, Aberdeen, Scotland UK AB25 1BN. Please note Courses are offered subject to: (a) there being sufficient numbers of enrolments: and, (b) the availability of resources. The College reserves its right not to run courses where the number of students is considered insufficient or where resources are unavailable.
Data Protection Act
Please return this form to the following FREEPOST address: The Part-time Admissions Office, Aberdeen College, FREEPOST AB580, Gallowgate Centre, Gallowgate, Aberdeen AB25 1BN.
Please complete this form in full. The College is registered as a Data Controller under the Data Protection Act 1998. By signing this form you consent, for all relevant purposes connected with your application, studies or any other legitimate reason, to the College (i) using the information provided by you and third parties and to its necessary disclosure to relevant third parties (including but not limited to SFC and SQA); and (ii) accessing your personal data held by relevant third parties (including but not limited to SQA). You may apply for a copy of your information (you may be charged a small fee) or to have corrections or amendments made at any time. The College or selected third parties may wish to contact you for marketing purposes. If you do not wish to be contacted . If you tick this box we will be unable to for marketing purposes please tick this box provide you with information about special offers or courses that may be of interest to you.
Issue No: Valid from: Expiry Date:
tear off here
Waiver 1 Form
APPLICATION FOR REMISSION OF FEES FOR A PART-TIME COURSE AT THE TIME OF BOOKING PART A - to be completed by the student and submitted with the booking form (please complete a Waiver 1 Form for each course).
Current evidence of eligibility must be submitted with this form. For state benefits, evidence must show that you have recovered the benefit within the last four weeks of the time of booking and clearly show the benefit you are in receipt of.
Full name
Date of Birth: Permanent Address: Postcode: SQA Candidate Number (if known): Course Title: Course Code: Total Tuition Fee: £ SQA/Registration Fee (if applicable): £ Declaration I claim for remission of fees for the course identified above, in accordance with the College’s Fee Remission Policy. (I accept that if I cease to be eligible at any point before the end of the course I am required to notify the College, and may be required to pay a fee for the remaining part of the course.) Signed:(student)
PART B - to be completed by the member of staff making booking Category of Remission: Proof of Entitlement: Declaration The above named student has been accepted for remission of fees for the course detailed above on the basis of evidence submitted to prove eligibility. A copy of the evidence submitted is attached. Signed: (member of staff) .
The College reserves the right to amend fees/prices chargeable without giving prior notice. Course fees should be confirmed with the College at the time of booking.
ILA Declaration Form INDIVIDUAL LEARNING ACCOUNT (ILA) SCOTLAND SCHEME DECLARATION FORM I, the undersigned, acknowledge and accept that my course fee will be £ I plan to receive financial support towards the cost of my course through the ILA Scotland scheme. I understand that the ILA Scotland scheme will not cover the cost of books or other materials unless specifically included within the course fee and that computer hardware will never be covered by the ILA Scotland scheme. I accept that should there be insufficient funds left in my ILA Scotland account to cover the full cost of my course, I must pay any outstanding balance at the time of booking. I have enclosed my personal contribution of £
towards payment of the above course fee (if applicable).
I understand that I must sign and date the Learning Token and return it to the Information & Booking Centre at Aberdeen College as soon as I receive it and within four weeks of the commencement of the course. If I do not receive the Learning Token within two weeks of booking I will contact ILA Scotland on 0808 100 1090 and request a duplicate Learning Token. I understand that I will not be sent a reminder from Aberdeen College regarding the Learning Token. I further accept that if ILA does not agree to pay the balance of the outstanding course fee, whether in part or in full, Aberdeen College will invoice me for the balance and I will be required to pay the balance in full to Aberdeen College.
Name (Print)
ILA Account Number Title of Course Date Course Code
don’t forget to register your interest... Go online: www.abcol.ac.uk/courses/part-time Find the course you’re interested in and click on ‘register an interest’ at the bottom of the page.
Telephone: 01224 612330 and speak to a member of staff.
• NEW course •
Course Index (by subject area) A ACCOUNTING HNC Accounting 13 Business Accounting 13 Award in Manual Book Keeping (Level 1) 13 Award in Manual Book Keeping (Level 2) 13 Award in Computerised Book Keeping (Levels 1 & 2) 14 Award in Payroll (Level 1) 14 Award in Practical Payroll (Level 2) 14 Award in Computerised Payroll (Level 2) 14 Award in Computerised Book Keeping (Level 3) 15 Award in Manual Book Keeping (Level 3) 15 ART, DESIGN & PHOTOGRAPHY Art for the Amateur Creative Textiles Techniques Digital Photography for Beginners Digital Photography: The Next Step Digital Photography: Creative Images Purely Photography Purely Photoshop Introduction to Dressmaking Introduction to Sewing and Textiles Knitting and Crocheting for Beginners ARTS & CRAFTS Costume Jewellery Making Discover Decoupage Soft Furnishings: Curtains and Cushions
15 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 19 19
20 20 20
BEAUTY & HAIRDRESSING Aroma Massage 21 Complete Facial Care 21 Gent’s Haircutting 21 Creative Colouring 22
Indian Head Massage Make-up Made Easy Manicure and Pedicure Nail Art Reflexology: An Introduction
22 22 22 23 23
BRITISH SIGN LANGUAGE British Sign Language: An Introduction 23 British Sign Language (Intermediate 1) 23 British Sign Language (Intermediate 2) 24 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Award in Conflict Management 24 Business Management Certificate 24 Business Marketing Certificate 25 HNC Administration and Information Technology 25 HNC Administration and Information Technology 25 Office Administration 25
C CARE STUDIES Award in Mental Health Awareness (Level 1) 26 Award in Nutrition and Health (Level 2) 26 Certificate in Counselling Skills (Level 2) 26 Certificate in Dementia Awareness (Level 2) 26 Certificate in Diabetes Awareness (Level 3) 27 Certificate in Drugs Awareness 27 Cert in Provision of Activites in a Care Setting (Level 2) 27 Cert in Understanding Palliative Care (Level 3) 27 HIV, Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C Infections (Intermediate 2) 28 ICS Drink & Drugs Misuse (One day course) 28 ICS Infection Control (One day course) 28 Improving Personal Exercise, Health & Nutrition (Level 2) 28
COMPUTING/INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: FIRST STEPS Computing for Beginners Computing: Next Step (Word and Excel) Internet and Email for Beginners Internet and Email: Next Step Introduction to ECDL
29 30 30 31 31
COMPUTING/INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: MICROSOFT OFFICE Advanced ECDL: Databases 2007 31 Advanced ECDL: Presentations 2007 32 Advanced ECDL: Spreadsheets 2007 32 Advanced ECDL: Word Processing 2007 32 ECDL: Module 1 Security for the IT User & Module 7 using Email & Internet 32 ECDL: Module 2 IT User Fundamentals & Module 6 Presentations 33 ECDL: Module 3 Word Processing 33 ECDL: Module 4 Spreadsheets 34 ECDL: Module 5 Databases 34 European Computer Driving Licence 2007 35 IT in Business: Databases 35 IT in Business: Spreadsheets 35 IT in Business: Word Processing & Presentations 35 IT in Business: Advanced Databases 36 IT in Business: Advanced Spreadsheets 36 COMPUTING/INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: NETWORKING & PROGRAMMING CISCO Exploration Semester 2 36 CISCO Exploration Semester 3 36 HNC Computing (Year 1 & Year 2) 37 OFFICE 365 for End Users 37 OFFICE 365 Public Website Design 37 OFFICE 365 Sharepoint Online - Advanced Users 38 OFFICE 365 Sharepoint Online - End Users 38
COMPUTING/INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: WEB PAGE DESIGN & MULTIMEDIA Introduction to Web Design 39 Intermediate Web Design 39 Advanced Web Design (e-commerce) 39 Certificate in Web Design 40 CUSTOMER CARE ICS Effective Customer Care (One day course) 40 ICS Equality & Diversity (One day course) 40 Certificate in Customer Service Knowledge (level 2) 40 CREATIVE CUISINE & CAKE DECORATING Cake Decoration for Beginners 41 Cake Decoration: Next Step 41 Creative Cup Cakes 41 Perfect Pastries 41 Traditional Home Baking 42
E EDUCATION & CHILDCARE Children and Young People with Additional Support Needs 42 Diploma in Child Psychology 42 HNC Working with Communities 43 PDA in Education Support Assistance 43 PDA Intro to Tutoring in Adult Literacies Learning 43 ENGINEERING: CAD CAD for Beginners / Intermediate 43 ENGINEERING: ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS HNC Electrical Engineering: Pre Entry HNC Engineering: Electrical HNC Engineering: Electronics HND Electrical Engineering NC Electrical Engineering NC Electronic Engineering
44 44 45 45 45 45/46
COMPUTING/INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: PC MAINTENANCE & REPAIR ENGINEERING: FABRICATION & WELDING Computer Care and Maintenance 38 NC in Fabrication and Welding 46 Computer Hardware (Installation & Maintenance) 38 Practical Welding Skills (Manual Metal Arc) 46
ENGINEERING: MECHANICAL HNC Mechanical Engineering: Pre Entry 47 Diploma in Engineering and Technology (Yr1/Yr2) 47 HNC Engineering: Mechanical 47 HND Engineering: Mechanical 48 NC in Manufacture and Mechanical Maintenance 49 NC Mechanical Engineering 49 ESOL Placement Testing 50 ESOL Beginner 50 ESOL Elementary 50 ESOL Pre Intermediate 51 ESOL Intermediate 51 ESOL Upper Intermediate 52 ESOL Advanced 52 TOEIC Business English Language Course 52
F FIRST AID Emergency First Aid (6 hour HSE) 53 First Aid (18 hour HSE) 53 ICS Paediatric First Aid (Two day course) 53 FLORISTRY Introduction to Flower Arranging 54 Wedding Floristry 54 Christmas Flower Arranging 54
G GARDEN DESIGN & LANDSCAPING Introduction to Garden Design 55
H HEALTH & SAFETY Award in Occupational Health and Safety (Level 2) 55 General Occupational Health and Safety Certificate 55 ICS Fire Safety Awareness (One day course) 56 ICS Fire Warden (One day course) 56 ICS Health & Safety (One day course) 56 ICS Health & Safety Risk Assessment (One day course) 56 ICS Moving & Handling Objects (One day course) 57
ICS Moving & Handling People (One day course) 57 ICS Personal Safety Awareness (One day course) 57 ICS Protection of Vulnerable Adults (One day course) 57 ICS Safeguarding Children (child protection) (One day course) 58 HIGHERS & INTERMEDIATE 2 Higher Chemistry 58 Higher English 58 Higher Human Biology 58 Intermediate 2 Maths 59 Higher Maths 59 Higher Psychology 59 HOSPITALITY BIIAB National Certificate for Door Supervisors (Scotland) Units 1 & 2 60 BIIAB National Certificate for Door Supervisors (Scotland) Units 3 & 4 60 BIIAB Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders 61 BIIAB Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Staff 61 Fine Dine With Me 62 Flavours of the World: A Taste of Italy 62 Flavours of the World: Authentic Indian Cuisine 62 Flavours of the World: Eastern Promise (Thai cookery) 62 Flavours of the World: Oriental Delights (Chinese cookery) 63 Flavours of the World: Traditional Scottish Fayre 63 REHIS Elementary Food Hygiene 63 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Certificate in Team Leading 64 CIPD Foundation Cert in Human Resource Practice (Level 3) 64 ICS Effective Supervisor (One day course) 64
L LANGUAGES French Beginners 65 French Intermediate 65 French Advanced 65 German Beginners 66 German Intermediate 66 Italian Beginners 66
Italian Intermediate Italian Advanced Polish Beginners Polish Intermediate Spanish Beginners Spanish Intermediate Spanish Advanced
66 67 67 67 67 68 68
M MUSIC, DRAMA & DANCE Musical Theatre 69 Social Dancing For All: Scottish Country 69 Social Dancing For All: Ballroom 69 Social Dancing For All: Salsa 70
P PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Confidence Building 70 Employment Skills 70 Learning to Learn 71 PSYCHOLOGY Investigating Behaviour: Intro to Psychology 71 The Individual in The Social Context: Intro to Psychology 71 Understanding the Individual: Intro to Psychology 72
Q QUALITY ASSURANCE AND ASSESSMENT Assessing Vocational Related Achievement (Level 3) 72 Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes & Practice (Level 4) 73 Management Systems Audit: Unit 306 (Level 3) 73 People In Quality: Unit 501 (Level 5) 73 Management System Models: Unit 502 (Level 5) 73 Monitoring & Measuring Quality: Unit 503 (Level 5) 74 Quality Management: Unit 504 (Level 5) 74 Quality Related Legislation & Regulation: Unit 507 (Level 5) 74 Quality Planning in The Product Life Cycle: Unit 508 (Level 5) 74 Business Research Unit: Unit 512 (Level 5) 75 Using Quality to Improve Business Performance: Unit 505 (Level 5) 75
S SAILING RYA Day Skipper Shore Based Course RYA Yachtmaster Course
75 76
TRANSPORT Introductory Certificate in Logistics and Transport (Level 2) 76 TV, RADIO & SOUND PRODUCTION Film School 77 Getting into Radio 77 Location Lighting and Use of Filters for Video 77 PROTOOLS 101 77 PROTOOLS 110 78 Sound Production School 78 Video Editing on Avid 78 :
AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING C&G / NVQ Light Vehicle Mechanics 79 C&G Vehicle Body Repair and Refinish 79 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY Advanced Carpentry and Joinery 80 CONSTRUCTION PAINTING AND DECORATING Advanced Painting and Decorating 80 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY HNC Construction 80 CONSTRUCTION TROWEL Advanced Craft Brickwork 80 HAIRDRESSING SVQ Hairdressing Level 2 81 PLUMBING SVQ Plumbing Stage 1 81 SVQ Plumbing Stage 2 81 SVQ Plumbing Stage 3 81
Useful Numbers College Switchboard Information & Booking Centre Registering an interest
01224 612000 01224 612330 01224 612330
Gallowgate Centre Reception Altens Centre Reception Learner Services Reception Inverurie Learning Centre
01224 612000 01224 612704 01224 612284 01467 623651
Assessment Centre
01224 612098/2237
Library+ IT Centre
01224 612138 01224 612260
Part-time Guide 2012-13
Aberdeen College is committed to ensuring that people with additional needs and disabilities are treated fairly. We will, therefore, make reasonable adjustments to ensure that students with additional needs and disabilities are not substantially disadvantaged.
We hope you will find everything you need to know about our Part-time courses - but if you have any questions, please contact: The Information and Booking Centre Tel: 01224 612330 Email: [email protected]
Aberdeen College is committed to the promotion of equality and the elimination of unlawful discrimination. Copies of the College’s Equality and Diversity Policy and its Race, Gender and Disability Schemes are available on our website.
Web: www.abcol.ac.uk
The information contained in this publication, particularly relating to College Policies, Codes and Regulations, courses and fees, was correct at the time of going to print but is subject to alteration without notice. Anyone wishing to confirm any of the information should write to the enquiry address or check the College’s website (www.abcol.ac.uk) which is regularly updated. June 2012.
Copyright © 2012, all rights reserved.
Mission Statement To deliver, in partnership with other providers, a high quality education and training
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Part-time Guide 2012-2013
Part-time Guide
Aberdeen College, Gallowgate Centre, Gallowgate, Aberdeen AB25 1BN.
Part-time day and evening courses:
Tel 01224 612000 • Email [email protected] • Web www.abcol.ac.uk
class times, locations, contacts, fees and general information
business | pleasure | community