- Age Of Empires 3 Initialization Failed Could Not Load Datap.bar
- Age Of Empires 3 Error Could Not Load Datap.bar
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- I tried the regular AOE3 and it says 'initialization failed - cannot load DATAP.BAR'. Then i tried TAD demo and other games and they work fine. The last files i edited were protox and techtreex. Last time i played TWC was about two/three days ago. Someone seen this before? Hope somebody could help.
- Hola intento poner el age of empires 3 tengo mi laptop tiene windows 7 300 de ram y 350 de disco amd turion II P520 DUAL CORE DUO 2.3 Ghz instale el juego y primero me puso que faltaba el d3dx9_25.dll y ya lo actualize pero ahora me pone que initialization failed could not load DATAP.BAR AYUDENME.
- I don't have Age of Empires 3 installed here to test it locally, but you should be able to find the game executable in the explorer. Possible installation paths (if not in the Origin Game folder): C: Program Files Microsoft Games Age of Empires III.
- Could not load DATAP.BAR'.. The problem is that the installation path is no longer correct.. Age of Empires 3 trouble with Windows 7, no expansions.
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3 Age of empires - AoE 1 - Wiki Gamer: le wiki des jeux de. 29 septembre 2015 Age of Empires Age of Empires vous lance le plus grand d! Failed Could not load DATAP.BAR Afficher la suite Probleme lancement AOE III Aoe3 datap.bar. Results of age of empires 3 could not load datap.bar: free download. software, Free Video dowloads, Free Music downloads, Free Movie downloads, Games. I install complete collection of aoe3 in the folder named age of empires 3. Aoe3twc or aoe3tad is says initialization failed could not load datap.bar. Age of empires 3 datap.bar hatas zm.
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Age Of Empires 3 Initialization Failed Could Not Load Datap.bar
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Genre: Real Time Strategy
Release Year: 2005
Developer: Ensemble Studios
Publisher: Microsoft Studios
Age Rating: 12+
Playability Status: Perfect
Tested On: Windows 10 x64
Availability: Copyright retained - Still sold
Another entry into the PCs huge catalogue of high quality real-time strategy games and one of the best selling PC games of all time. Age of Empires 3 sends you back to 1492 and lets you command your colonial forces as you seek to colonise the Americas. While the game has many themes that are the same or very similar to most other real-time strategy games, Age of Empires helps keep things interesting by letting you progress through several different technological “Ages”, each of which give you new units and buildings to play with.
The game should install just fine on a modern PC. Simply place the DVD into your computers optical drive and follow the on-screen prompts. If the games autorun program does not start automatically, or the installer window does not appear, simply browse to the DVD in Computer/This PC and run the Setup.exe file manually.
The game is also available on the popular digital distribution platform Steam. Installation of the Steam version should be automatic after you have purchased it.

The Steam version of the game should update and patch itself automatically. If you’re playing the disc-based version however you should download and apply the patch that is available here. Simply download the patch and run it, patching should then be automatic.
With patching complete, you’re ready to run the game.
Tweaking visual quality
To access the visual quality settings for the game, simply start the game and then from the main menu, choose “Help and Tools”. Then, choose “Options” and then “Graphics Options”. On a modern PC you should make sure that “Bit depth” is set to “32”. You should also check that the games resolution is set to match your monitor. Age of Empires 3 supports both widescreen and non-widescreen modes, so simply choose the resolution that suits your display.
The other options can be set to “High” or “Highest”. Typically a modern PC will be able to handle these settings and run the game perfectly smoothly. If you’re on an older or budget PC you may need to compromise and turn some of the settings down in order to make the game run more smoothly.
Age Of Empires 3 Error Could Not Load Datap.bar

You’re now done configuring the game, all that’s left is to go play.
Save Games
Save games for Age Of Empires 3 are stored in your documents folder, which is usually C:Users(your username)Documentsmy gamesAge of Empires 3.
Click on any screenshot to enlarge it.